Fund Your Dreams

Sky High Capital
3 min readJul 11, 2023


Sky High Capital Board members are aware that as the first ever, fully on-chain investment firm, they need to bring their A-game.

Man, are they delivering. Allow me to introduce you to SHC’s Funding Pass.

Funding Through NFTs

This Funding Pass is an NFT that lets you pitch a business idea to a motivated VC. SHC must invest in two projects from Funding Passes holders this year. There are only 16 guaranteed passes.

Prior to pitching the Board, Funding Pass holders will schedule a 30-minute meeting with Apexx (SHC’s CEO) and NFTdrafter (Head of SHC’s first investment) to fine-tune their pitch. Funding is up to $1,000,000.

Want to play Shark and listen in on projects pitching their ideas? You’ll get to pick the one you like and negotiate your compensation if they win funding through your pass.

Looking to capitalize quickly and be on your way? Put your Funding Pass up for sale at a fair price and take cash in hand.

Valuable and rare, you kiddin’ me? How’s that for utility?

16 Funding Passes will be awarded through a raffle for those who support SHC’s first investment, NFTdraft. Up to 9 other passes are being held for projects or influencers who onboard large audiences into NFTdraft and future SHC investments. Based on unique users, they’ll be able to earn additional raffle entries, and if successful enough, they’ll earn one of the 9 other passes.

That is a maximum of twenty-five competitors for two funding allocations. (many VCs receive thousands, if not 10s of thousands of ideas for funding.)

Time to lock and load.

How to Enter

The easiest way to enter the raffle is to buy 3 Captain’s Packs for NFTdraft’s upcoming Season 3. They’ll cost you $135 each, discounted 10% for a limited time.

By purchasing three packs, you’ll be able to combine 3 Glowing Tickets into a Golden Ticket. Enter your Golden ticket into the weekly raffle and you’re entered into every remaining Funding Pass drawing.

Drawings begin July 14th, with a weekly drawing for 4 weeks, then biweekly every Tuesday and Friday beginning August 8th — September 15th.

If you’re one of SHC’s investors, buying NFTdraft packs is a no-brainer as SHC receives 50% of profits.

More importantly though, buying NFTdraft packs is a no-brainer for anyone as they offer weekly cash prizes, rental rewards for your cards, asset value retention, and serious growth potential. The icing is, now, you can also win a Funding Pass that could change your life.

Buy your packs today and get entered. If you need help with WAX, email me at

Why Sky High?

Sky High Capital (SHC) is a company funded by private investors that is nearing completion of SEC filing, followed by a public raise in September. They’ve executed the proper procedure for nearly a year and the finish line’s in sight. They expect to raise $2,000,000 quickly, and are required to invest the full amount within 12 months with a focus on web3 projects, to those who hold a Funding Pass.

With funding drying up across the chain, Sky High doubled down on the potential of NFT and crypto projects. As true believers in the technology, they’ve continued to establish concrete plans for capitalizing on the next run in this cyclical market.

More than anything, it’s important to note Sky High Capital isn’t just investment money. Their team of professionals possess a crazy amount of talent and experience running businesses in the real world. With a hyper focus on marketing, along with corporate structure, and accounting services, Sky High is here to invest in people… and that could be you.

It’s not just a lump sum, go figure it out (though the lump sum helps!).

It’s a, let’s do this together and see how high we can take this.


