The Best Scientific, Graphing, and CAS Calculator Apps for Android: Comprehensive Comparative Review

Skyica LLC
26 min readJun 26, 2023



In this article, I will attempt to find, evaluate, and compare the best advanced calculator apps for Android, as comprehensively and objectively as possible.

I also include high-quality “basic” scientific calculator apps with features like scientific constants, units, and base-n calculation. Further, I include advanced “learning calculators”, but I evaluate only their ability to solve mathematical problems, not their pedagogical value.

The article should be helpful to anyone who wants to do more complicated calculations on Android devices.

It is probably the first comprehensive review of Android calculator apps. While there are many “reviews” of such apps on the web, those lack

  • systematic search for available apps,
  • thorough tests of the apps,
  • comparison of features,
  • comparison of data from Google Play.

Accordingly, they do not provide an objective overview of the best apps. Also, they seem to be written mostly by people with no special love for math and programming.

While I am myself not a mathematician, I have studied mathematical physics and computer science (PhD), and have developed complex Android apps (an advanced 3D modeling app, and App Finder, a sophisticated search engine for apps on Google Play, which I have used for this review).

If you find anything wrong or incomprehensible, please let me know!
Also, any suggestions for improvements, and for the inclusion of further apps are welcome.

Summary and Recommendations

Since the introduction of Android in 2008, independent programmers from around the world, as well as small and large companies, have developed hundreds of calculator apps (there are currently at least 430 apps with the phrase scientific calculator or graphing calculator in title or summary on Google Play, see below).

There is currently no single app with as comprehensive, reliable, and convenient calculation functionality as that of the best hardware calculators (like the TI-89, TI-Nspire, or Casio fx-CG500 / ClassPad).

However, for many purposes there are perfectly suitable apps, which are sometimes even preferable if one has a hardware calculator at hand (e.g., for graphing).

Advanced general-purpose calculators

There seem to be essentially 3 advanced “general-purpose” calculator apps available currently (see my definition here).

Of these, I would rate Hiper Calc as the best overall. Its numeric and symbolic calculation functionality is rather comprehensive and seems to be quite reliable. It is very easy to use and often very efficient. Important disadvantages are weaknesses with symbolic computation and small bugs, and very limited graphing.

Scientific calculator plus 991 has a more extensive calculation functionality than Hiper Calc (e.g. for statistics), and its symbolic calculation is more powerful in some areas (simplification and integration). However, it has some bugs and inconveniences, not all functionality is well organized and documented, and 3D graphing is missing.

(There are some very similar apps that may possibly be used instead of the Plus 991.)

Scientific Calculator by Philip Stephens may be chosen for 3D graphing (see below), some user interface advantages, and possibly for statistics. Its numeric calculation functionality seems to be good, but symbolic calculation is very limited. While the user interface has some great features, it also has significant issues, and documentation is missing.

Apps for difficult symbolic and numeric calculations

In general, WolframAlpha (based on the leading mathematics software Mathematica) can be recommended as the most powerful tool for difficult calculations on Android.

It can also give further information on definitions and concepts, and often can show intermediate calculation steps. However, it does not work offline, and expressions cannot be entered in textbook notation.

Maxima on Android is the long-established open-source computer algebra system Maxima with a command-line interface. Xcas Pad is another open-source computer algebra system with a command-line interface .

The best alternatives seem to be GeoGebra, Symbolab, and maybe Maple Calculator, which all support entry in textbook notation.

GeoGebra works offline and is based on the open source CAS Xcas/Giac, but does not give intermediate calculation steps or further information. Symbolab and Maple Calculator often give intermediate calculation steps, but no further information.

For equation solving, Hiper Calc seems to work well also, but it has problems with simplification and symbolic integration. For symbolic integration, Plus 991 seems to work well also, but it has some bugs and problems with equation solving.

WolframAlpha sometimes shows the results in a more complicated form than other apps, and in one of my tests it did not return all minima of a simple function, while Hiper Calc did this. So, it may sometimes be a good idea to check with different apps.

Apps for graphing

For 2D graphing, Plus 991, Graphing Calculator + Math, Desmos, and GeoGebra are probably the best, with different advantages and shortcomings.

For 3D graphing, GeoGebra and Scientific Calculator by Philip Stephens seem to be clearly the best, also with different advantages and shortcomings.

GeoGebra and Graphing Calculator + Math may also be used as a “general-purpose calculators”, however the keys are quite small on phones for quick calculations.

Apps for longer complicated calculations and programming

MATLAB Mobile allows to create and execute MATLAB scripts in the cloud. MATLAB is a full-featured programming language, extensive numeric and symbolic calculation functionality is available, and 2D and 3D graphs can be created (but not navigated).

For tablets, a “notebook interface” is also available, where the code is placed on an interactive document together with the calculation results, graphics, and formatted text. While this concept is optimal for longer complicated calculations, there are serious problems with the interface of the app currently.

micro Mathematics is another calculator app with a notebook interface (for phones also). It seems to work reliably, however the input mechanism is quite inefficient, and symbolic computation and programming are missing.

GeoGebra and Graphing Calculator + Math also have kinds of (more limited) notebook interfaces.

Plus 991 seems to have a full-featured programming language, however there are significant issues currently.

Graphing Calculator (X84) includes TI-BASIC programming.

Scientific Calculator Scalar has limited scripting functionality.

The Casio fx-CG500 / ClassPad emulator might also be chosen for a “notebook interface” (eActivity) and for programming, however there are emulation related inconveniences.

The web-interface of SageMath might also be used, however it is quite inconvenient on phones.

An alternative would be to use a general programming environment with math libraries like SymPy, but this is beyond the scope of this review.

Apps for simple calculations

ChampCalc Scientific Calculator is a very sophisticated and customizable “basic” scientific calculator.

TechCalc Scientific Calculator includes formulas for many important mathematical, scientific, engineering, and financial applications.

Scientific Calculator Scalar allows to define custom functions easily, and has some scripting functionality.

Panecal Scientific Calculator may be very efficient for longer simple calculations.

CalcTastic has comprehensive base-n calculation functionality.

Graphing Calculator — Algeo and Jade Scientific Calculator have a simple and convenient user interface and some advanced features.

If more advanced features are needed, Hiper Calc can be recommended as the easiest to use advanced calculator.

Apps that imitate hardware calculators

Scientific calculator plus 991 has essentially the keyboard layout of the Casio fx-991 calculators, while being much more powerful.

Graphing calculator plus 84 83 has essentially the keyboard layout of the TI-84 calculators, while being much more powerful.

Graphing Calculator (X84) imitates the TI-84 quite closely, still making use of the touch-interface of Android devices.

Note that there are also emulators available for Casio’s and HP’s flagship CAS calculators (but not TI’s), which however greatly suffer from emulation related problems.

Identification of Relevant Apps

App Finder

To search Google Play, I have used App Finder, an advanced app search engine that has data for nearly 2.4 million apps.

It has significant advantages over Google Play’s build-in search, especially for finding the best apps with specific features:

  • Advanced keyword search: Google Play uses “semantic search” by default, which is not suitable for a comprehensive search, as I show here. While it is possible to force it to keyword search using quotes, this is not well supported, and an undocumented algorithm is used.
  • By contrast, App Finder supports advanced keyword search with special operators, and matches the queries against the descriptions of the apps in a clear way (see below).
  • Screenshots in the result list (scalable and scrollable): This makes it possible to identify many irrelevant and low-quality apps immediately.
  • Further advantages include many filters and sort options, and the display of all essential data and short descriptions in the result list.

App Finder’s search language and search algorithm

To understand the search queries used (see below), you need to know about App Finder’s search language and search algorithm, which is quite simple:

  • If you just enter keywords separated by spaces, it returns exactly those apps where all the words (or forms of them, like the plural) appear in the description (or title or developer name).
  • Words inside quotes are required to appear in sequence (different forms of the words are still allowed).
  • + in front of a word (or quoted words) requires it to occur in title or summary, not just anywhere in the description.
    (The summary is a short description limited to 80 characters that the developers must provide).
  • - can be used as usual to exclude words. It can be combined with + to exclude them from title and summary only.
  • The usual OR operator is supported. Additionally, / (a slash) can be used instead of OR. Contrary to OR, it is evaluated first, which makes it often possible to avoid parenthesis and repetitions. Also, it can be used inside quotes. No spaces are required around /.

Reading App Finder’s result list

The result list is mostly self-explanatory, however for more clarity on small phone displays, not all data is labeled. Here’s an example:

  • The numbers left of the colorful stars are the average user ratings calculated by Google Play, the top one for the United States, the bottom one the whole world. (App Finder can also show the ratings for any other country supported by Google Play.)
  • The stars represent the rating distribution: The size (that is, area) of the stars is proportional to the number of 5-, 4-, 3-, 2-, and 1-star ratings (from green to red). Between different apps, the star-size is correlated with the total number of ratings at a logarithmic scale.
  • Paid apps without an indication do not contain ads. For apps with in-app purchases, the price range is shown in parentheses.

Search for apps described as scientific or graphing calculators

Using App finder, I have searched for apps with the phrases scientific calculator or graphing calculator in title or summary, using the following query (see above for explanation)

+“scientific/graphing calculator”

Without filters, it gives 430 results (June 2023, for the United States).

For most of these apps, it was clear already from the screenshots that they are very low quality, or irrelevant for this review. The others I have investigated further, and have tested the promising ones.

Search by functionality

Since there may be advanced calculator apps that are not called scientific or graphing calculator by the developers, I have also done a search by functionality that is mentioned in the description.

It is of course very difficult to predict which features a developer would choose to include in the description and what words would be used.

But if we only refer to functionality that is very important and popular, and consider alternative terms, we can expect to miss only few good apps.

For advanced calculator apps, equation solving, calculation of derivatives and integrals, and graphing seem to be such features.

App Finder takes care of different forms of words (e.g., equation is equated with equations, integrate with integration and integral, and graphing with graph and graphs).

However, we must consider that calculation of derivatives may be called differentiation, graphing may be called plotting, and that equation solving may be subsumed under algebra, and differentiation and integration under calculus.

With this, we arrive at the query

equation/algebra (derivative/differentiate integrate OR calculus) graph/plot

Without filters, it gives 245 results (June 2023, for the United States).

I have proceeded as with the first query. I found that the best apps probably have at least 4.2 stars average rating in the US, at least 1 million downloads for the free version, and were updated within the last two years.

With these filters, the query gives 14 results. Below you see the result list ordered by “relevance”. It is quite impressive:

It probably includes nearly all the best advanced calculator apps, no irrelevant apps, only few ones which I would not recommend, and the app that I would rate as the best overall is first in the list.

Additional searches

I have repeated the last query with -graph/plot instead of graph/plot to check if there are good advanced calculator apps without graphing.

I have searched for graphing apps specifically with
graph/plot function trace
graph/plot function 3D.

I have searched for CAS apps specifically with “computer algebra system”.

Alternative app stores

I have also quickly searched the following app stores directly:

Samsung Galaxy Store, Huawei AppGallery, Amazon App Store, F-Droid, Aurora store, APKMirror, AppBrain, SlideMe, Aptoide.

However, I did not find additional apps that can be recommended.

Evaluation Criteria


All reviewed apps were checked for the following features.

As a basis, I have taken the functionality of advanced hardware calculators like the TI-89, while considering the capabilities of Android devices.

More advanced features, which fewer people will need, are in parenthesis.
Even more advanced features are in double-parenthesis.

Numeric and symbolic calculation
in addition to the basic functionality of all scientific calculators

  • Complex numbers: Rectangular and polar form, common operations and functions
  • Symbolic computation essentials:
    – Calculation with exact values (fractions, roots, pi, etc.)
    – Automatic simplification
    – (Factorization and expansion of polynomials)
    – (Assumptions, e.g. domain constraints)
    – ((Equation manipulation))
  • Equation solving:
    – Numeric and symbolic
    – Real and complex solutions
    – (Equation systems)
    – (Specification of variable ranges)
    – (Inequalities)
  • Differentiation and integration:
    – Numeric and symbolic
    – Multiple / nested operations
  • Other calculus and analysis:
    – Finding minima and maxima, numeric (and symbolic)
    – Sums and products of sequences, also infinite, numeric and symbolic
    – Limits, also one-sided, numeric and symbolic
    – (Taylor expansion)
    – ((Differential equations solving))
  • Matrices and vectors:
    – Standard operations and functions
    – (Vector calculus, esp. gradient, divergence, curl)
  • Basic number theory and combinatorics: random, prime factorization, gcd, lcm, factorial, nCr, nPr
  • Base-n calculation: conversion and bitwise operations for binary, octal, hexadecimal numbers
  • Statistics and probability:
    – One and two variable statistics: with frequencies
    – (histograms, box plots)
    – Regression: Linear, quadradic, logarithmic, exponential, …, with plots
    – ((Confidence intervals calculations))
    – ((Statistical tests, e.g. t, z, F, chi², ANOVA))
    – (Probability distribution calculations)
  • Calculation with units and unit conversion
  • Scientific constants

2D and 3D graphing

  • Display of multiple graphs together, also of different types
  • (Multiple workspaces, i.e. coordinate systems)
  • Graph types:
    – Cartesian function plots
    – 2D: Polar function plots
    – Parametric plots, in 3D both curves and surfaces
    – (Implicit plots)
    – ((Differential equations plots))
    – ((Complex plots))
  • Display:
    – 2D: (Customizable) grid, adapting to zoom (major and minor lines)
    – 3D: Labeled coordinate axes
    – (3D: Optional semitransparent x-y-plane, optional x-y-grid)
    – Custom colors for individual graphs
    – (3D: Surface display: solid with variable transparency / wireframe)
    – (3D: Both orthographic and perspective projection)
    – ((3D: Quality settings))
    – (Animation of parameter variables)
    – Portrait and landscape orientation
  • Navigation:
    – Equal and independent scale of axes
    – 2D: Simultaneous pan and zoom with 2 fingers
    – 3D: Complete and intuitive navigation
    – (3D: Automatic rotation)
  • Analysis:
    2D: Tracing
    2D: Display of coordinates of intersections, zeros, extrema

Environment and user interface

  • Variables and functions:
    – Saving values to variables
    – (Custom-named variables)
    – (User-defined functions that can be used in numeric and symbolic calculations)
    – (Piecewise defined functions)
    – ((Programmed functions))
  • (Intermediate calculation steps)
  • ((Programming / scripting environment))
  • Input and output:
    – Display and input of expressions in standard mathematical notation
    – Copy and paste, also parts of expressions
    – Undo & Redo
    – (Automatic calculation without tapping enter key)
  • (Multiple workspaces)
  • (“Quick Info”: Display of various useful information about the entered expression or result with one tap, e.g.: prime factorization for integers, alternative formats for numbers, alternative forms for expressions with variables, solutions for different variables for equations, graphs for expressions and equations with 1 or 2 variables)
  • History of calculations
  • Import / export, (sync and share) of variables, functions, (and history)
  • Adaption and customization:
    – Optimized for small phones, large phones, (and tablets)
    – Adjustable display text size (and keyboard size)
    – (Keyboard layouts for different screen sizes)
    – ((Custom keyboard layouts))
    – (Light and dark mode, different themes, custom colors)

Documentation and source

  • Complete user guide (with full text search), (in-app and external)
  • (Function / command reference with full text search)
  • (Info / description of the algorithms used)
  • (Open source)

Test problems

Several test calculations and plots were done with all reviewed apps, depending on their nature.

For objective comparison, the following test were done for all apps with the required functionality:

Simplification :

  • e^π/e^(2π) should be simplified to 1/e^π or e^-π
  • 2x/(x²-1)-1/(x-1) should be simplified to 1/(x+1)

Equation solving:

  • ln(x) = -x should be solved as x 0.567143
  • sin(x) = x/2 should be solved as x {0, ±1.89549}
  • sin(1/x) = 0 should be solved as x = 1/(n*π)
  • ln(x*y) = y*ln(y) should be solved for x as x = y^(y-1)
  • (x+1)² = -1 should be solved as x = -1±i
  • x²+y² = 2 and x²*y² = 1 should be solved as x = ±1 and y = ±1

Symbolic integration:

  • (e^x+1)/(e^x-1) should be integrated to 2*ln|e^x-1|-x
  • 1/(1+sin(x)) should be integrated to e.g.
    tan(x/2-π/4), or -2/(tan(x/2)+1), or (sin(x)-1)/cos(x)
  • x/(1+sin(x)) should be integrated to e.g.
  • x/ln(x) should be integrated to Ei(2*ln(x))

Finding minima and maxima:

  • Minima of sin(1/x) should be given like 2/(4 π*n-π)

3D graphing (see the screenshots):

  • Plot the function 15*sin(x*y)/(x²+y²+0.6)
  • Plot the implicit surface 4*(x²+y²+z²)+16*x*y*z = 1
    (Cayley’s nodal cubic surface), the singular points should be visible

These problems are of course quite arbitrary and cover only a small part of the features, and a still smaller part of the range of important problem types. Nevertheless, I think they give some helpful insight into the power and reliability of the apps.

Reviews of the Individual Apps

In the following, you find short reviews of the recommended apps.

The extended version of this article contains several additional apps, and detailed feature lists for the most important apps.

The apps are grouped by the following categories :

  • Advanced general-purpose calculators
    Apps with a wide range of advanced numeric and symbolic computation and graphing functionality that are convenient for both quick and more complicated calculations.
  • Graphing tools
    Apps specializing in graphing, whether or not they include other functionality.
  • CAS answer engines
    Apps with powerful symbolic computation, that also accept input in natural language, and can give not only calculation results, but also information on mathematical definitions and concepts (WolframAlpha is currently the only such app).
  • Advanced learning calculators
    Apps designed for learning mathematics, often with symbolic computation, showing intermediate calculation steps, and able to recognize written problems from photos.
  • Advanced calculators of other types
    For example, apps with a “notebook interface” (similar to Mathematica), computer algebra systems with a command-line interface, and apps with programming / scripting.
  • Intermediate scientific and graphing calculators
    Apps with some advanced features like 2D graphing, numeric/symbolic calculus, numeric equation solving. E.g., apps comparable to the TI-84.
  • Basic scientific calculators
    Apps without advanced mathematics like calculus, that are nevertheless suitable for science and engineering (with features like scientific constants and units, and base-n calculation).

Advanced General-Purpose Calculators

Hiper Calc

This app stands out with quite comprehensive, reliable, and powerful functionality, and an exceptional user interface.

It seems to be very good at equation solving and minima / maxima finding (however there also is a bug).

On the other hand, there are significant problems with simplification, more complicated integrals cannot be solved symbolically, and statistics is very limited.

Graphing is very limited but still useful.

The functionality is very well organized and efficient and easy to use, but it still has some inconveniences.

Scientific calculator plus 991

This app stands out with very extensive and quite powerful calculation functionality.

However, it has some worrying bugs (see the detailed review).

Simplification and symbolic integration seem to be very good, but there are problems with equation solving and minima / maxima finding. Its statistics features are quite comprehensive.

2D graphing is good but has inconveniences. 3D graphing is missing.

The user interface is sophisticated, but some functionality is not well organized and documented, and there are many inconveniences.

Scientific Calculator 300 Plus,

Graphing calculator plus 84 83

These apps clearly share much code with the Plus 991, even if different developer names are used. Thus, it can be expected that they share most of the advantages and disadvantages with the Plus 991.

The main difference seems to be that they are modeled and named after different Casio and TI calculators, and some have a more limited functionality.

Scientific Calculator 300 Plus seems to be essentially the same as the Plus 991. Graphing calculator plus 84 83 has a significantly different layout, resembling the TI-84 often very closely. It may be better for statistics. Also, it has an alphabetical function catalog.

Further apps that share much code with the Plus 991 are Scientific calculator 36 Plus, Scientific calculator 30 34, and Calc 991 Scientific Calculator.

Graphing calculator plus 84 83

Scientific Calculator (by Philip Stephens)

This app stands out with very powerful 3D graphing and some important user interface features that are missing from most or all other calculator apps (see the feature list).

Numeric computation seems to be good, and the statistics and probability functionality is extensive.

Symbolic computation is very limited however.

There are great graphing features (e.g. implicit surfaces), but also problems with graphing.

While the user interface has some great features, it also has significant inconveniences. Documentation is missing, and many things are not obvious.

Graphing Tools


This app stands out with exceptional 3D graphing (however there are problems with implicit surfaces).

2D graphing is also good, but tracing is missing.

It may also be used as a “general-purpose calculator”, however the keys are quite small on phones for quick calculations.

Numeric and symbolic calculation seems to be very well in general, but there are problems with simplification, and statistics, scientific constants, and unit conversion are missing.

The user interface is sophisticated and intuitive to use. However, a complete user guide is missing, and some things are not obvious.

Note that GeoGebra consists of several apps (mainly Graphing Calculator, 3D Calculator, CAS Calculator, and Geometry), that are available as a suite or singly.

Desmos Graphing Calculator​

This app stands out with very good 2D graphing and advanced regression.

However, it has no 3D graphing and no advanced calculation functionality.

CAS Answer Engines


This app stands out with exceptional calculation capabilities and the possibility to show in-depth information on mathematical (and other) definitions, concepts, and data.

Intermediate calculation steps can often be shown.

Graphing is very limited but still useful.

The user interface is unique in that natural language can often be used to input problems.

Advanced Learning Calculators

Please note that as mentioned in the introduction, I evaluate also these apps only for their ability to efficiently solve mathematical problems, not for their pedagogical value.


This app stands out with powerful symbolic computation and an easy-to-use and quite efficient interface.

Equation solving seems to work well, and many difficult integrals can be calculated.

Intermediate calculation steps can often be shown.

3D graphing is missing and 2D graphing very limited and buggy.

Maple Calculator​

This app stands out with powerful symbolic computation and an easy-to-use and quite efficient interface.

Complicated integrals can be calculated, but there are sometimes problems with simplification. There are significant bugs and problems with equation solving. No calculation of minima and maxima.

Intermediate calculation steps can often be shown.

Graphing is very limited but still useful.

Graphing Calculator + Math​

This app stands out with very good (although not optimal) 2D graphing, quite good 3D graphing, and some useful user interface features that are missing from most or all other apps.

Its calculation capabilities are quite limited however (e.g., simplifications are often not done, more complicated equations cannot be solved, no symbolic integration).

While the user interface has very useful features, it also has significant inconveniences.

The user manual is comprehensive and excellent for people just learning math.

Photomath, ​

Mathway, ​

Microsoft Math Solver​

These apps are similar to Symbolab and Maple Calculator (they also recognize problems from photos and show step-by-step solutions), however their calculation capabilities seem to be more limited, as the following comparison shows.

Advanced Calculators of Other Types

MATLAB Mobile​

This app allows to create and execute MATLAB scripts in the cloud.

MATLAB is a full-featured programming language, extensive numeric and symbolic calculation functionality is available, and 2D and 3D graphs can be created (but not navigated).

The standard editor seems to work. A command-line is also available.

For tablets, a “notebook interface” is also available, where the code is placed on an interactive document together with the calculation results, graphics, and formatted text.

While this concept is optimal for longer complicated calculations, the app has serious issues with this currently.

Maxima on Android​

This is the long-established open-source computer algebra system Maxima (with roots going back to the 1960s) with a command-line interface.

Sadly, it was not updated since 2018, while Maxima is under continuous further development.

Features include autocompletion of commands, results in LaTeX, 2D and 3D graphs using Gnuplot (which cannot be navigated however), user guide for Android and complete Maxima manual.

Xcas Pad​

This is the open-source computer algebra system Xcas/Giac with a command-line interface.

Features include autocompletion of commands, results in LaTeX, and a command reference with examples.

Note that GeoGebra is based on Xcas/Giac.

micro Mathematics​

This is a calculator app with a “notebook interface”:

Definitions of variables and functions, calculations, 2D and 3D graphs, text, and images can be placed on an interactive document.

While this concept is optimal for longer complicated calculations, the interface of the app is quite inefficient, and the calculation and graphing capabilities are quite limited.

TechCalc Scientific Calculator​

This is a uniquely comprehensive “multi-function calculator” with many specialized calculation modes for mathematical, scientific, engineering, and financial applications.

It includes many important formulas, ready for calculation. Further custom formulas can be added. It also has reference sections, e.g. differentiation & integration rules, the periodic table, etc.

While it has some advanced functionality like symbolic integration and 3D graphing, it is in general unsuitable for advanced mathematics. E.g., expressions involving derivatives, integrals etc. are not supported.

Further, textbook-style input is not supported, and editing expressions is inconvenient.

Scientific Calculator Scalar​

This is a calculator app with a command-line interface, some advanced calculation features, some scripting functionality, and limited 2D graphing.

Notable calculation features include that functions can be defined and can reference each other, also recursively, and “repeat” and “if” statements.

Very many special functions are available, like gamma, log-gamma, and digamma function, error function, prime-counting function using the sieve of Eratosthenes and approximations, etc

Scripts can be created, however, the possibilities are quite limited since there are no flexible loops, no GOTO, and control structures cannot be nested.

Otherwise, the calculation and graphing capabilities are quite limited.

Intermediate Scientific and Graphing Calculators

Graphing Calculator — Algeo​

This app has a simple user interface but some advanced features like 2D graphing.

The textbook-notation input and the always visible calculation history are very convenient.

Jade Scientific Calculator​

This is another app with a simple user interface but some advanced features.

The textbook-notation input and the always visible calculation history are very convenient.

Graphing Calculator (X84)​

This app is designed to closely resemble the TI-84, while making use of the touch-interface of Android devices.

It seems to do this really well, but graphing could be implemented better.

Also, it seems to include virtually all functionality of the TI-84 calculators, including programming in TI-BASIC (but not Python).

Basic Scientific Calculators​

ChampCalc Scientific Calculator​

This is a very sophisticated and customizable basic scientific calculator.

Memory/variable management is better than in most advanced calculators. Also, it has advanced base-n calculation and a large and well-organized library of units and scientific constants.

Panecal Scientific Calculator​

This app may be very efficient for longer simple calculations.

In contrast to most other apps, parts of expressions can be selected and copied.

Scientific Calculator by CalcTastic​

This is a quite sophisticated basic scientific calculator with advanced base-n calculation.

The large display with always visible history is convenient.

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