Sky Barnett
4 min readFeb 12, 2016

*The Definition of a Woman*

(for all shades of beauty)

The definition of a woman is not about the car she drives,

  1. It’s not about the people or crew she clicks with.
  • it’s not about the food she eats or the money she has either.
  • The definition of a woman is not about her strengths,
  • her weaknesses, her success or her failures. It’s neither found in her dreams or her lifes Story.
  • The definition of a woman cannot be found by reading her Zodiac Signs,
  • It cannot be given or shared with a man whispering in her ear, this and that.
  • It’s not even about the house she lives in or the shoes on her feet, or the clothes on her back, or the weave and wig on her head, or the body piercings, not even through the tattoos, not by her wearing contacts, it’s not given through breast or bun implants, or how she looks or feels about fake nails.

The definition of a woman is simply defined by Loving the skin she’s in.

Loving her hips, Looking at them and admiring them.

It’s about embracing these hips and curves baby, it’s about loving every wrinkle and extra boom and bam our bodies hold.

It’s about the skin you’re in; it’s about enjoying the teeth we have, enjoying the color of our eyes, enjoying the length of hair on our head, enjoying every stretch mark and scar on our body. It’s about looking in the mirror and enjoying the skin you’re in baby, it’s about enjoying the skin you’re in, yea that’s right….the skin you’re in.

When you love yourself, you embrace yourself, you enjoy yourself. It doesn’t matter what kind of soap you rub on, I know it will replenish your skin just fine. It doesn’t matter what cologne you spray on, I know it will smell just right. It doesn’t matter what color clothes you choose, I’m sure it will fit just nice. It doesn’t matter what shoes you put on, I’m sure they wont be to loose or to tight. It doesn’t matter about the earrings you put on because I know they will all compliment your style so well. I’m sure that when you look into the mirror and turn on some music, you can dance to the rhythm of beauty, because anyone should know that the real definition of a woman is her self-esteem.

You see, my beautiful sista’s aren’t being celebrated enough so allow me to celebrate yall,

Girl God must have been smiling when he made you, because if it weren’t for us being down here…the only music men would have are those blues. You see, you don’t have to be famous to be in the music industry because when God made us he laughed and said let me introduce ms hip-hop, and see together me and sistas create Bet Soul and whenever we sasha down the runway or down the street? We are playing jazz!!!! Because of the way our hips move when walk, we get the brothers interested in our music, boy to do that, to have that type of power, to be that lyrically and physically influential? , we really must have some wonderful curves!!!.

You see when I had low self-esteem because I wasn’t celebrated? I hated hip hop, I sat as I watched men degrade me and my colored sisters and I thought to myself, I have to do something about that, so I got in shape, I watched my weight, I fixed my hair, I found something to wear and when I looked in the mirror I discovered that funky music, yes I know I look Good.

So no matter what music we play, no matter how thick or thin your hips may be, we all have a song, we all have rhythm, and we all have stories to tell about our hiphop, your rock and roll, her soul, her R&b, Jazz, and funk, Whoa not about none of that, it’s about the skin you’re in.

It’s about the Skin you’re in,

It’s about Embracing the skin you’re in,

It’s about Loving the skin you’re in baby,

Yea It’s about enjoying the skin you’re in, because I know I look good.

The question is, do you?

Begin forwarded message

It’s not

Weaknesses, her success or her failures, it’s not about h

So no matter what music we play, no matter how thick or thin your hips maybe, we all have a song, we all have rhythm, and we all have stories to tell about our hiphop, your rock and roll, her soul, her R&b, Jazz, and funk, Whoa not about that, it’s about the skin you’re in.

Sky Barnett

A 🍼Mother, 🎥An Artist, A Writer✍🏽, A Massage-Therapist, An Entrepreneur, A 📽Dancer, A🎙Poet. Life is a Journey, I choose where to go.