Getting Started ESP32 Blink

2 min readJan 27, 2020


Our semester of embedded system started with the first task by having a microcontroller to “blink”. ESP32 is the microcontroller that we use for the course.

The things that we require to have is:
2. USB Type-A to Micro USB cable
3. Jumper
4. LED light
5. Resistor

Environment Setup

Before we jumped to the board and tinkering with it, we need to setup the environment for the microcontroller to be able to receive commands from us. For the IDE, we can use the Arduino IDE which can be found here

For the IDE to be able to “understand” ESP32, we need to install a plugin and the ESP32 board is ready to be installed in the Arduino’s Board Manager.

Just one last step for setting up the environment, we need to install the communication protocol driver that the board use, which is the USB-to-UART.


Here’s the “hello world” version of the microcontroller. You can get it at the Examples > Basics > Blink.

After that, we compile the code and upload it to the ESP32 board by pressing the same buttons when we use Arduino board.

Setting up the Board

You can just follow the image for setting up the board. The important things to do is you need to put the jumper in the right port and don’t forget to add the resistor.


The video (embed post doesn’t work, i guess)

Ismail Faizal Aziz / 18217024
Sistem Embedded TA 2019/2020

