From Link-Lost to Link-Master: How Can You Debug Broken Links and Images in a Web Application?

Skylar Lorena
2 min readFeb 19, 2024


Photo by Zan on Unsplash

As a junior developer, broken links were my nemesis. They lurked in the shadows, waiting to trip up unsuspecting users and send them spiraling into frustration. But fear not, fellow coding comrades! Through trial and error (and maybe a few tears), I’ve unearthed some battle-tested tips to turn you from link-lost to link-master.

1. Be a Path Detective: Start by examining the URLs and file paths of your links and images. Typos, missing slashes, or incorrect extensions are sneaky culprits. Use your browser’s developer tools to inspect network requests and identify any red flags.

2. Fix Those Reference Woes: Untangle the mess of relative vs. absolute paths. Ensure they point to the right locations, whether internally or externally. Think of it like giving clear directions to a lost tourist!

3. Image Optimization: Size Matters: Don’t let bulky images weigh down your app’s performance. Optimize their size and format (think JPEGs for photos, PNGs for graphics) while maintaining quality. It’s all about striking the perfect balance.

4. Keep It Fresh: Update Regularly: Broken links often stem from outdated content. Regularly review and update your links and images to avoid frustrating user experiences. Remember, fresh content keeps users engaged!

5. Multi-Device, Multi-Browser Testing: Don’t assume everything works everywhere. Test your links and images on different devices and browsers to catch discrepancies. Think of it as quality control for the global audience!

6. Leverage the Cloud: CDN & Caching Services: These powerful tools can distribute your content geographically, reducing load times and broken image woes. Imagine servers strategically placed around the world, delivering content lightning-fast!

7. Beyond the Basics:

Automate the Hunt: Utilize link checker tools to scan your entire site regularly. Think of them as tireless sleuths, sniffing out broken links before they cause trouble!
User Testing is Key: Get real user feedback by conducting usability tests. What frustrates them? What could be improved? Treat them like valued guests and tailor your app to their needs.

Remember: Debugging is a continuous process. By following these tips and adding in your own, we can all build web apps that are not only functional but also delightful for users!



Skylar Lorena

I am a mobile and full-stack software engineer and artist. Currently working as a Software Development Technical Mentor at Moringa School. Check out my Music!