Skylark Institute of Travel
3 min readJun 8, 2018

One of the highest paying careers, dreamt by many is that of a cabin crew. Not only does it let you traverse across the world but is also a trove of ample opportunities, unlimited fun and round the clock excitement!
If you too, are an individual who aspires to be a cabin crew member, we bring to you some tips to successfully crack the interview:

1. Your personality speaks a lot about you:

There’s an old saying that goes ‘First Impression is the last impression’. You must be confident and wary of your posture, at all times. Your body should be forever erect. Extend your hands for a firm yet friendly handshake.

2. Be Punctual:

This is perhaps the best way to start with. The airlines have an eye for such trivial yet important individual traits.

3. Keep a check on your tone:

You should neither be too loud nor too low while answering the interviewer. Maintain an eye to eye contact and smile at appropriate times. Remember not to laugh often. Be aware, that you are constantly being judged!

4. Dress Appropriate:

While it is always advised to dress in a manner that suits you the best, the point to remember here is that you just need to dress the apt! Do not wear revealing attire. It is always advised to dress up in formals when attending an interview. Moreover, you must be confident in what you wear.

5. Stay Calm:

Nervousness and anxiety doesn’t lead you anywhere. Though, we agree that it is impossible not to have butterflies in your stomach but it is still recommended that you maintain your cool!

6. Keep your resume updated

Highlight all the relevant information’s in your resume. Always keep it up to date and professionalized. Your resume is the first thing to reach the interviewer and therefore, you must ensure that it is well prepared. Needless to say, it attracts the panelist, even before you!

7. Make the whole process interactive

It is always considered good to raise queries and clear your doubts, as and when you feel the urge. Keep the process lively and interactive. But that surely doesn’t mean that you need to beat your gums.

8. Do not be Dishonest:

Always remember, dishonesty reflects on your face. Do not try to mess with the interviewer. There are thousands like you that he/she has interviewed before. Stay true, relevant and polite during the entire conversation.

9. Do not be Rigid

Remember, multitasking is a quality that most of the airlines look for in a candidate. If you learn to master the skill, no company would refuse you ever.

10. Be ready to extend help, whenever required
One of the essentials expected from a cabin crew person is his/her willingness to help others. Be always ready to help, wherever required.

11. Be positive in your attitude

Positivity is a feature that helps you outshine the others. Stay positive about yourself and the world around you.

12. Be thankful

At the end of your interview, extend a polite thanks to the interviewer. Being grateful is the best attitude that you can ever portray.


Before attending the interview, be prepared for questions like:

1-Introduce yourself
2-Why do want to join the Aviation Industry?
3-Why do you wish to be a cabin crew?
4-What do you know about the company?
5-Why should we hire you?
6-How do you deal with challenges? Give an example of the times when you have overcome a difficult situation
7-What do you know about the life of a cabin crew?
8-What are your strengths and weaknesses?
9-Are you a team player?
10-How do you react under pressure?

To know the traits required to be a successful cabin crew and become a star cabin crew in just few months, join Skylark-The best aviation training institute in Delhi/NCR. We help to bring out the best in you and thus, provide youwith a rewarding career ahead. Contact the Institute, for any further queries.

