Tourism Career –A letter from a student!

Skylark Institute of Travel
3 min readAug 25, 2017


This article is all about how a student came to figure out the purpose and importance of Diploma in tourism and travel. Sharing his story, Aman Dhingra (now working as a senior cabin crew) says, as a child he was always curious. He always preferred the road less traveled, not because he wanted to be different for the heck of it but because he was never satisfied with what everyone was doing.

In his own words, he shares his professional journey with us, which is as follows. I always aspired to do a little different in my life. After I finished my graduation in Science, I wanted to explore an offbeat career option. I was not interested in going in for the regular M.SC or PH.D option. Thus, uncertainty knocked at my door and I was totally at a loss. I was staring in the oblivion. I was only sure of one thing, I was not ready to choose the easy way come what may.

I was hesitant to be a part of the herd mentality and was scared of ending up doing M.A. in English literature or MBA or journalism Masters in mass communication. Reason being, most of my friends were going the same route. I wanted to go beyond the obvious, I wanted to explore more, and that’s when I came across an advertisement of a travel course in Delhi. Through it, I learnt a lot about the tourism sector. I was not very aware about the industry but somehow, it fascinated me. It looked very different and it was enough to motivate me to take the plunge and grab the offer to pursue a diploma in tourism. Today, I am proud of the fact that I pursued the diploma in travel and Tourism Management.

The Options You Have

There are various courses that you can opt for. Entry levels starting right from your school days. Many schools have understood the importance of this industry and have started including it in their curriculum which helps students to know if they want to be a part of the industry or not. If you want it to be a part of your graduation years then also you have many options now. From Delhi University to Private Institutes, you will have many options to choose from. From a 3 year full fledged course to part time options, to certificate courses, to diplomas. You can go for as per your requirement or desire.

After graduation too, you can choose this industry to specialize in. From professional point of view, you can do your MBA in tourism education or you can apply for a Travel & Tourism Diploma Course. You also have the option of going for Masters in Tourism Management and later apply for PH.D in the same field too. You can go for specialized courses like Air Fares and Ticketing, CRS, Tour Manager, Airport management etc.

Tourism industry is vast in nature and is always going to survive. No recession can close it ever because it has existed for a very long time and it will continue to. Once you are a part of this industry, you will have ample of jobs to choose from, according to your requisites. From Tour managers, Escorts, air hostess, stewards, managers to destination management, everything will be within your reach. A reputed Travel & Tourism Institute in Delhi will be your chief anchor to steer your career into a new direction.

