Blending Tarot and Numerology for More Precise Readings

Skylar May
2 min readApr 13, 2024


Hello, it’s Skylar May here, bringing light to the fascinating interplay between tarot and numerology. For those who seek deeper understanding and guidance in their lives, merging these two ancient practices offers incredibly insightful perspectives. Let’s delve into how integrating these tools can enhance clarity and provide more personalized insights.

Tarot and Numerology: A Perfect Match

Tarot cards are not just tools for fortune-telling; they are powerful symbols that hold the mysteries of our deepest self and the universe. Each card has a story, a symbolism, and a spectrum of meanings that can reflect countless life situations. Similarly, numerology is the study of numbers, providing insight into a person’s life through numbers associated with their name, birth date, and significant life events.

When combined, tarot and numerology can unlock a more nuanced understanding of one’s life and decisions. For instance, your Life Path number in numerology can illuminate your personal strengths and challenges, while tarot cards can suggest how to approach these aspects of your life.

Practical Applications of Combining Tarot and Numerology

Imagine you’re a Life Path number 6 — the nurturer. In numerology, this number emphasizes responsibility, protection, and care for others. Now, let’s say during a tarot reading, The Empress card appears — a symbol of motherhood, fertility, and abundance. This pairing could suggest it’s a perfect time to focus on caring for yourself and others, perhaps starting a new family-oriented project or initiative.

In a hypothetical scenario where someone has a Life Path number 9, which is associated with humanitarianism and compassion, and they pull The Hermit card during a tarot reading. This combination could indicate a need for solitude or reflection to better understand how to serve others effectively. The Hermit’s guidance to seek inner wisdom aligns perfectly with the humanitarian drive of the number 9, suggesting a period of introspection could be beneficial before taking on new charitable projects or community roles.

How You Can Start Integrating Tarot and Numerology Today

To start blending these practices, first calculate your Life Path number, I can do that for you. Next, conduct a tarotreading with the intention to clarify how the themes of your Life Path number are currently manifesting in your life. Reflect on the cards that resonate strongly with your personal number’s attributes.

Combining tarot and numerology isn’t just about enhancing personal insight; it’s about creating a more holistic tool for guidance and self-discovery. Whether you’re new to these practices or a seasoned enthusiast, the interplay between the cards and numbers can open new avenues of understanding and personal growth.

For more tips on tarot, numerology, and how to integrate them into your daily life, visit my website, Skylar May.



Skylar May

Skylar May combines Tarot, Astrology, and Numerology with smart AI to deliver personal, precise insights.