Skyscraper - Empires Rise
Skyscraper - Empires Rise

Skyscraper is a play and earn game set in a anthropomorphic NFTverse version of NYC in 1987. It involves strategic factional area control gameplay with tactical deckbattling, using characters from 4 different factions: Trader Wolves, Business Bois, Mafia Cats, and Mob Rats. Compete for territory by moving through Manhattan's varied and illustrious distrcts buying and defending land and then developing on your land and creating a version of the city that will benefit you and your faction. From safehouses to gun shops to mom and pop stores and business to bars and skyscrapers. Developed building units start to emit 4 types of resource NFTs, the type, quality and emission rate depend on the building unit, the plot type and distrct type. Resources are required by every player as a source of energy and as optimised battle decks with which to raid and defend against other players. The game will be powered by its own token $TURF that will be used for all purchases, for all player incentives and for Defi rewards as well as being a DAO token used in part to create a DAO score based on the token plus in game assets and chracter progress. This DOA voting mechanism gives power to the players and especially those that participate and play. The game will also utlise the token MAGIC and TREASURES from its partner Treasure DAO as ingame incentives and staking pools. An important note. We are an evolution of our first project Wolves of wWllstreet where we developed wolf traders and business bois SFT chracter folios that can invest in stable lending and LP staking. We will bring these chracters over Skyscraper as genesis SFT chracters to compete in skyscraper. All current owners of Wolves and Bois SFTs will be able to swap with the Skyscraper version of their character and with it the new in-game functionality. All current holders of $WOWS token will be able to swap into $TURF at a specific price point of $18 (presale price) This is factored into the $TURF tokenomics. We bring unique utilities to the GameFi space. Our characters are able to physically hold the NFTS assets they earn and own like land, buildings and resources as well the fungible rewards they earn within the game. Characters with all their owned assets both non fungible and fungible can be traded as one NFT both within the game and on thirdparty marketplaces. Once a new owner purchases the character it can be unlocked in the game and all the NFT assets and fungible rewards can be managed as that owner sees fit. They can be moved to other characters or sold individually. THis is an important feature for gaming and NFTs mixing web2 and web3 utility. Our land plots also function in a similar way, they hold the building unit NFTs a player builds on the land and when locked this collection can be traded as one NFT which represents the exact building within it. Our deckbattler allows single and multiplayer/character options with clan battles and team play essential. Character unique strengths and weaknesses mean clans need to be balanced in order to have a full strength representation. Factions also have their own unique resource strength bias. Levelling up characters opens internal game perks of progitability in DeFi opportunities within the city as well functionality like mission creation for all players to assist with creating cross faction co-operation and mercenary-like behaviour. We are an official TreasureDAO game partner and a future official cartridge candidate. This means we will be performing some close collaborations with other games on TreasureDAO and offering cross game asset collaboration. This will help a lot with our upcoming NFT presale.

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Skyscraper - Empires Rise

Skyscraper - Empires Rise

Skyscraper - Empires Rise is a Web3 Strategic MMORPG, where your character will buy, win, build and compete for territory, power and governance.