Coronavirus: Mindfulness can help you reduce stress and increase wellness amid uncertainty

Sky Tripping
4 min readMar 20, 2020


Studies show that nature exposure positively impacts human health, even when we are exposed to it virtually.

A Crisis Called Covid

Over the past few months, a threat has loomed worldwide. What began as a small news story from Wuhan China has since morphed into a global crisis. Illness, death, supply-chain disruptions, market woes, employment uncertainty, social isolation — all this and more has shattered what we all know as “normal” in almost every part of the world. We are all seeing an uncertain road to recovery and relief ahead. But there are simple, concrete things we can do to improve our outcomes.

First, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the value that comes from stepping back and observing. We have an opportunity now to notice the things we can influence, as well as accept the things which lie outside of our control. Second, it is crucial that we take extra time to care for our mental, emotional, and physical health. Even small actions can bring major benefits which will have ripple effects. Finally, I would like to provide a solution to anyone feeling stressed or isolated in this challenging time (more on that later).

Why A Thoughtful Approach Is Needed

Mental wellness will play a crucial role in our wellbeing as we navigate this experience. We have seen a major spike in stressors over an extremely short period of time. Personal struggles surrounding financial strain, daily routine, family and personal health, loss and grief, and more abound for many of us. It is important to take a little extra time for ourselves to make sure our health doesn’t suffer needlessly.

Studies have shown that stress can have a crucial impact of our overall health and wellness. Immune function, cardiovascular health, nervous system, and mental sharpness are all influenced by stress. Additionally, prolonged states of distress (the harmful kind) impacts emotional resilience. Finding healthy ways to manage the stress we face on a daily basis is integral to our long-term positive outcomes.

Meditation has long demonstrated effectiveness in maximizing health and improving quality of life. A recent study has shown how basic mindfulness practice can even protect against inflammation from physical irritation. The goal of mindfulness and meditation is to learn how to reduce reactivity. Training ourselves to pause and take time for nonjudgemental reflection offers lasting benefits. Mindfulness is a proven way to reduce stress hormones tied to distress (the harmful kind). Studies have shown that the fight or flight response can occur even when no danger exists. The result? Increased anxiety/depression, digestive issues, sleeplessness, weight gain, heart disease, and more. A few minutes of conscious breathing every day neutralizes many of these stress effects.

The entire human family is undergoing a major, collective stress event. We need to preserve our resources and focus our attention while navigating this pandemic. Calm nerves will help us now, and it will impact our long-term quality (and length) of life as we work through this. It can both help us stay alert and act wisely, and can assist us in recovering should illness of any kind befall us.

Personal wellness depends on many factors. We all need each other at our best. Physical health, including good rest, proper nutrition and hydration, and physical activity matters. Social connection (even virtually) should be a high priority as well. Last but not least, good emotional/psychological care is crucial (even if it might be easy to overlook). Spend a few minutes every day calming mind and body. Simple, deep breathing while paying attention to your emotional and mental state helps. In fact, this one simple practice can provide a significant boost in managing stress and eliminating the associated long-term negative health outcomes.

Our Contribution to Mental Health

Beginning today I am making Sky Tripping — our novel, nature-based meditation app — available free of charge while this pandemic is underway. Both our team and customers have seen firsthand the mental, physical, and psychological benefits our app offers. Even a small amount of time invested in a daily mindfulness practice can benefit almost anyone. Mindfulness can help individuals find a dose of relief from today’s financial, social, mental, and physical woes. Sky Tripping is more than beautiful films of nature. It provides a simple, calming, scientifically-proven way to boost our personal wellbeing.

Once registered in the app, you can complete simple meditations in as little as one minute (and up to 1 hour). Additionally, you can explore hours of aerial films of forests, deserts, and oceans.

Download Sky Tripping from the Apple App Store (AppleTV + iOS) or the Google Play store, create an account in the app or on our website. This will give you instant access to the app and nature films. You don’t need to do anything to qualify for this service. There is zero financial obligation and we don’t require your credit card information.

Put Health Back on Top, Starting Today

Commit now to take time for yourself during this uncertain time in history. Make sure you are working at your peak so you can be a part of the solution. We all need to show up as our best in the coming weeks, months, and years as we recover and rebuild from this experience. Let’s begin today.



Sky Tripping

Sky Tripping helps you meditate, refocus, and relax while taking you to some of the most incredible places Earth has to offer.