The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Android Development

Skywell Software
Published in
3 min readNov 19, 2018

Believe it or not, we are currently living in an age of technological revolution. Technologies that were once only a dream are now becoming a reality and artificial intelligence is now indispensable to business success all over the world. Before voice-based searches came along, it was hard for users to navigate through AI-based apps, but nowadays things, like performing voice commands and communicating with customer service, are a normal everyday function of artificial intelligence. In this article, we created an artificial intelligence android tutorial in order to guide you through the latest development of AI in Android.

AI for Android

During last year’s Google I/O conference, it was announced that Google was shifting its priorities and is now becoming “AI first” instead of “mobile first.” During this year’s conference, Google announced that it was launching a series of new toolkits and programs that will make it easier to create artificial intelligence apps for Android. These new toolkits included the Android Jetpack and developers could start using all of the new tools right after the conference.

The joke among Android developers is that “There are six ways to do anything on Android.” Now with the introduction of a unified toolkit such as the Android Jetpack, developers can implement the test, navigation and even a local database in a standardized infrastructure. One interesting tool inside the Jetpack is called Slices, which adds UI templates to searches and Google Assistant. This opens the door to possibilities such as creating voice-activated functions for apps paving the way for all future android artificial intelligence apps.

Speaking of Google Assistant, new updates to Dialogflow, the underlying technology of the Google Assistant, will allow users to have a conversation with their virtual assistant without having to say “Hey, Google” every single time. Thanks to the new update, you can now create custom routines and make several requests in one voice command.

Android Phone Artificial Intelligence

The new ML Kit now brings machine learning to mobile devices. The base APIs allow mobile app development services to easily include amazing features such as:

  • Face detection
  • Image labeling
  • Text recognition
  • Landmark detection

These and many other features will be available to Android and users in the near future. Interestingly enough, the ML Kit from Google will be distributed as a Firebase SDK, which would allow the ML Kit to be fully integrated into Google’s best mobile development hubs.

Practical Applications of Android Artificial Intelligence

One of the main ways that AI will be able to understand user behavior is through analyzing the large volumes of data stored inside Android apps. This goes far beyond Gmail scanning through your e-mail and offering some quick reply options. The artificial intelligence for Android devices will be able to affect the user’s everyday life. For example, right now an AI app for Android can calculate the distance you walked on any given day as well as how many steps you have taken, how many flights of stairs you climbed and many other physical activity data.

Now let’s imagine that this app takes this information and detects that a user is not physically active enough and sends a notification that they have not reached the recommended quota for the day. Furthermore, if the user inputs his body height and weight, the app can produce a personalized exercise plan to get the user back on a track to physical fitness. Over the long run, such AI technology could prevent obesity and any complications that could result from excess weight.

AI technology is rapidly advancing and there are sure to be many more exciting developments in the near future. Companies everywhere are rushing to incorporate AI in mobile devices because it is the easiest and most effective way to reach users. This goes far beyond providing outstanding customer service, but, as we mentioned above, it could impact a user’s everyday life.

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Skywell Software

A big team of skilled professionals, who help businesses to remain competitive. Services –AR/VR, web and mobile development.