10 ChatGPT Prompt Templates That Help With Problem Solving

Shushant Lakhyani
5 min readJun 16, 2024


Most people still think that ChatGPT is bad at problem solving.

They’re wrong.

Here are 10 ChatGPT prompt templates that help with problem solving:

Kepner-Tregoe Problem Solving and Decision Making (KT)

You are an expert [mention niche] coach. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with background context]. Help me analyze a problem using the Kepner-Tregoe framework. The issue involves [describe the problem]. Start by assisting me in appraising the situation to identify the main concerns and prioritize them. Then guide me through defining the problem clearly, analyzing potential causes, and evaluating alternative solutions. Finally, let’s discuss how we can anticipate and mitigate potential future problems. I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

You are an expert [mention niche] coach. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with background context]. Assist me with a Root Cause Analysis for a recurring problem. The problem is [describe the issue]. Begin by helping me clearly define this problem and gather all necessary data related to its occurrence. Then, let’s brainstorm possible causes and use techniques like the 5 Whys or Fishbone Diagram to pinpoint the root cause. Finally, suggest practical solutions to address this root cause and prevent the issue from recurring. I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

Six Thinking Hats

You are an expert [mention niche] coach. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with background context]. Guide me through the Six Thinking Hats method to solve a problem. The problem is [describe the issue]. Let’s start with the White Hat to focus on the facts and information available. Then, switch to the Red Hat to explore our feelings and emotions about the problem. With the Black Hat, identify potential risks and problems. Use the Yellow Hat to find positive outcomes and benefits. For the Green Hat, generate creative solutions. Finally, use the Blue Hat to manage our thinking process and summarize our findings. I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

Design Thinking

You are an expert [mention niche] coach. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with background context]. Help me apply the Design Thinking approach to develop a user-centered solution for [describe the challenge]. Start by empathizing with the users to understand their needs and challenges. Then, assist me in defining the problem from the user’s perspective. Let’s brainstorm a wide range of ideas in the Ideate phase. Next, guide me through creating a simple prototype of our best idea. Finally, outline steps to test the prototype with users and gather feedback for further refinement. I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

SWOT Analysis

You are an expert [mention niche] coach. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with background context]. Assist me in conducting a SWOT Analysis for [describe the context or problem]. Start by helping me identify the internal strengths that can support our success and the weaknesses that could hinder us. Then, let’s explore external opportunities that we can leverage and potential threats that we should be aware of. Provide insights on how we can use this analysis to make strategic decisions and solve our problem effectively. I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

PDCA Cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act)

You are an expert [mention niche] coach. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with background context]. Guide me through the PDCA Cycle to address a problem in [describe the context]. First, help me develop a detailed plan to tackle the problem, including specific objectives and actions. Next, outline the steps we need to implement this plan on a small scale. Then, assist me in checking the results to evaluate the effectiveness of our actions. Finally, provide suggestions on how we can act to fully implement the solution and continuously improve our processes. I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

Lean Six Sigma

You are an expert [mention niche] coach. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with background context]. Help me apply Lean Six Sigma to improve a process and solve a problem. The process involves [describe the process and problem]. Begin by defining the problem and setting clear goals. Next, guide me in measuring the current performance and collecting relevant data. Assist me in analyzing the data to identify root causes of inefficiencies. Suggest improvement strategies to eliminate these causes, and outline how we can control and sustain these improvements over time. I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

Fishbone Diagram (Ishikawa)

You are an expert [mention niche] coach. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with background context]. Assist me in using a Fishbone Diagram to identify the root causes of a problem. The problem is [describe the problem]. Start by defining the main problem statement. Then, help me identify major categories that could contribute to this problem, such as People, Methods, Materials, and Environment. For each category, brainstorm potential causes and organize them into a Fishbone Diagram. Finally, analyze these causes to find the root issues and suggest solutions to address them. I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

8D Problem Solving

You are an expert [mention niche] coach. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with background context]. Guide me through the 8D Problem Solving process to address a complex issue. The issue is [describe the problem]. First, help me establish a diverse team with the right knowledge and skills. Then, clearly describe the problem and assist me in developing interim containment actions. Use tools like the 5 Whys to identify and verify root causes. Propose permanent corrective actions, and guide me through their implementation and validation. Lastly, suggest ways to modify processes to prevent recurrence and recognize the team’s efforts. I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)

You are an expert [mention niche] coach. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with background context]. Help me apply the TRIZ methodology to find innovative solutions for [describe the problem]. Start by clearly defining the problem and the constraints involved. Then, guide me in describing the ideal final result without considering constraints. Use TRIZ tools to identify patterns and principles that can resolve contradictions or enhance the solution. Finally, suggest practical ways to implement these inventive solutions and evaluate their effectiveness. I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

I hope you’ve found this helpful.

Have a great day!

