10 ChatGPT Prompt Templates That Help You With Marketing Strategy

Shushant Lakhyani
3 min readMay 20, 2024


Solopreneurs would love using ChatGPT.

Especially to create their marketing prompts.

10 ChatGPT prompt templates that help you with marketing strategy:

Market Research and Analysis

You are an expert marketer. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. Can you help me conduct a thorough market research analysis for my [industry/product/service]? Include key market trends, target audience demographics, competitive landscape, and potential market gaps. I want you to also [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

Customer Persona Development

You are an expert marketer. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. Help me create detailed customer personas for my [product/service]. Describe the typical demographics, psychographics, behaviors, needs, and pain points of my ideal customers. I want you to also [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

You are an expert marketer. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. Assist me in defining a unique selling proposition (USP) for my [product/service]. Highlight the key features, benefits, and differentiators that make it stand out in the market. I want you to also [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

Brand Positioning Statement

You are an expert marketer. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. Guide me in crafting a compelling brand positioning statement for my [product/service]. Include the target audience, market category, key benefits, and reasons to believe in the brand. I want you to also [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

Content Marketing Strategy

You are an expert marketer. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. Help me develop a comprehensive content marketing strategy for my [industry/product/service]. Outline content types, distribution channels, content calendar, and key performance indicators (KPIs). I want you to also [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

Social Media Strategy

You are an expert marketer. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. Create a detailed social media strategy for my [product/service]. Specify the platforms to focus on, content themes, posting frequency, engagement tactics, and metrics to track success. I want you to also [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

Email Marketing Campaign

You are an expert marketer. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. Assist me in planning an effective email marketing campaign for my [product/service]. Include email segmentation, content ideas, scheduling, and methods to measure campaign performance. I want you to also [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

Influencer Marketing Plan

You are an expert marketer. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. Help me design an influencer marketing plan for my [industry/product/service]. Identify potential influencers, collaboration types, campaign goals, and strategies for measuring ROI. I want you to also [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

Paid Advertising Strategy

You are an expert marketer. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. Guide me in creating a paid advertising strategy for my [product/service]. Include recommendations for platforms (e.g., Google Ads, social media ads), budget allocation, ad formats, targeting options, and success metrics. I want you to also [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

Sales Funnel Development

You are an expert marketer. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. Assist me in developing a sales funnel for my [product/service]. Describe the stages of the funnel, key activities at each stage, content requirements, and methods to optimize conversion rates. I want you to also [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

I hope you’ve found this helpful.

Have a great day!



Shushant Lakhyani

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