10 ChatGPT Prompt Templates That Help You With YouTube Growth

Shushant Lakhyani
4 min readApr 24, 2024


YouTube is the best social media platform for growth.

Because the top YouTubers end up creating a huge audience on every platform.

10 ChatGPT prompt templates that help you with YouTube growth:

  1. YouTube Channel Performance Review

You are a YouTube growth expert. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. I operate a YouTube channel dedicated to [Topic/Genre, e.g., DIY Home Improvement]. Please analyze my most recent 10 videos to pinpoint which themes or styles have garnered the highest engagement levels (likes, comments, views). Provide a detailed engagement rate analysis for each video and suggest future content directions based on this data. I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

2. SEO Enhancement Strategies for YouTube

You are a YouTube growth expert. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. I want to optimize my YouTube channel for better search rankings concerning [specific topics or keywords, e.g., vegan recipes]. Could you provide a step-by-step SEO strategy tailored for YouTube, focusing on title optimization, descriptions, effective keyword usage, and recommendations for keyword research tools? I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

3. Creating Click-worthy YouTube Thumbnails

You are a YouTube growth expert. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. I aim to boost the click-through rates of my YouTube videos by improving my thumbnail designs. Please offer a comprehensive guide on crafting impactful thumbnails, including advice on effective color schemes, font styles, and imagery for my niche [specify niche, e.g., adventure travel]. I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

4. Strategic YouTube Content Planning

You are a YouTube growth expert. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. Help me design a three-month content calendar for my YouTube channel, which focuses on [specific subject, e.g., technology reviews]. Propose topics based on current trends in this field, optimal posting schedules, and key dates or events that align with my content theme. I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

5. Audience Engagement Tactics for YouTube

You are a YouTube growth expert. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. I need innovative strategies to enhance viewer interaction on my YouTube videos. Please suggest multiple engagement techniques that could lead to increased comments, likes, and shares, and provide examples of these strategies being successfully implemented by channels in my niche [mention niche]. I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

6. YouTube Advertising Campaign Guide

You are a YouTube advertising expert. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. Explore the potential of YouTube Ads for my channel, which specializes in [specific content, e.g., fitness training]. Detail the various ad formats available and suggest the most suitable ones for my type of content. Also, include a beginner’s guide to setting up and running a YouTube ad campaign. I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

7. Competitor Analysis in YouTube Niche

You are a YouTube growth expert. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. Conduct a thorough analysis of the top three competitors in my YouTube niche [specify niche]. Detail their most successful content types, subscriber engagement strategies, and growth tactics. Offer insights on what strategies I might adopt or adapt to enhance my channel’s performance. I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

8. Diversified Monetization Options for YouTube

You are a YouTube growth expert. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. Discuss various monetization opportunities for my YouTube channel focused on [specific genre or topic, e.g., educational tutorials]. Provide detailed strategies for leveraging sponsorships, merchandise, and other revenue streams, tailored to my content and audience size. I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

9. Video Quality Improvement Recommendations

You are a YouTube growth expert. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. I’m looking to upgrade the production quality of my YouTube videos. Provide detailed recommendations on cost-effective equipment (cameras, microphones) and editing software that could significantly enhance video clarity and appeal. Include editing tips that cater to beginner and intermediate levels. I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

10. Building and Promoting Brand Identity on YouTube

You are a YouTube growth expert. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. Guide me through the process of establishing a strong brand presence for my YouTube channel. Offer detailed suggestions on designing key branding elements like logos, channel banners, and consistent video intros. Explain how to effectively integrate and communicate my brand message across all videos and associated social media platforms. I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

I hope you’ve found this helpful.

Have a great day!



Shushant Lakhyani

Sharing insights on AI, tech, no-code, and online business. Get my best resources: https://technobizzvault.beehiiv.com/