10 ChatGPT Prompts To Save You Hours Of Manual Work

Shushant Lakhyani
3 min readMar 30, 2024


ChatGPT is no joke.

It can actually save you hours of work for various use cases.

10 ChatGPT prompts you need to store in your second brain:

  1. You are a productivity expert. I am [give context of your problem]. Suggest a method to efficiently manage my daily tasks and priorities? Specifically, I’m looking for a system or tool that can help me balance urgent and important tasks. Mention the method as [describe the output you want]
  2. You are a corporate workspace productivity expert. I am [describe your problem]. What are some effective strategies or tools for managing a high volume of emails without missing critical communication? I’m interested in techniques for filtering, organizing, and quickly responding to emails. I use [mention email service you use]. I want you to mention [describe what all you need in the output with examples]
  3. You are a workspace productivity expert. I am [describe your problem]. How can I make my meetings more productive and time-efficient? I’d appreciate a step-by-step guide on planning, executing, and following up on meetings to ensure they’re valuable for all participants. I use [mention if you use any service for meetings]. I want you to mention [describe what all you need in the output with examples]
  4. You are a productivity expert. I am facing [describe your problem with context]. What techniques or practices can help improve my focus and concentration during work hours, especially when dealing with distractions in an open office environment? I use [mention any productivity tools that you already use.] I want you to mention [describe what all you need in the output with examples]
  5. You are a project management expert. I am [mention the [problem that you are facing with examples]. Can you recommend a comprehensive but straightforward project management framework or tool suitable for a small team that handles multiple projects simultaneously? I want you to mention [describe your output with examples].
  6. You are a remote work productivity expert. I am [mention the [problem you face in detail with examples]. What are the best practices for fostering effective collaboration in a remote work setting? I’m looking for advice on tools, communication norms, and strategies to enhance team cohesion and productivity. I want you to mention [describe the output you want with examples]
  7. You are an expert corporate coach. I am [mention the problem you’re facing with examples]. How can I continuously improve my skills and stay updated in my field? I’d like suggestions on resources, habits, or routines that support ongoing professional development. I want you to mention [describe output you want with examples].
  8. You are a productivity coach. I am [mention the problem you’re facing with context]. What strategies can help me maintain a healthy work-life balance, especially when working from home? I’m interested in practical tips for setting boundaries and managing time. I want you to mention [describe the output you want with examples].
  9. You are a business coach. I am [mention the problem you’re facing with context].What are some effective ways to delegate tasks or consider outsourcing? I’m looking for criteria or a process to decide what to delegate and how to ensure it’s done effectively. I want you to mention [describe how you want the output with examples].
  10. You are a business coach. I am [mention the problem you’re facing with context]. Can you provide a framework or method for making informed and efficient decisions, especially in a fast-paced work environment where the stakes are high? I want you to mention [describe how you want the output with examples].

I hope you’ve found this helpful.

Have a great day!

