10 Tools To Help You Build An Audience On Twitter/X

Shushant Lakhyani
6 min readFeb 28, 2024

Twitter/X growth is hard.

Not anymore.

10 tools to help you build an audience on Twitter/X:

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  1. Tweet Hunter

You can use this tool for scheduling, analytics, lead generation, engagement, and AI-powered content inspiration.


  1. 3M+ Viral Tweets Library: Just type in a keyword or @handle and find high-performing tweets that generate engagement and followers.
  2. AI-powered Writing: Get daily personalized tweet suggestions, re-write tweets you like, get tweet & thread ideas.
  3. 4K+ staff-picked tweets: They work with the best ghostwriters to curate the top tweets across 10+ topics and niches.
  4. Schedule Tweets & Threads: Set your tweets and threads to be posted when you want them to.
  5. Auto DM: Send DMs to people when they interact with your tweets.
  6. Lead Finder: Use AI to find new leads on Twitter.
  7. Create lists of People: Import and organize people into lists, based on past interactions or a manual selection.
  8. Engage: Find tweets to engage with, reply to your mentions, and build relationships with specific people.
  9. Key Metrics & Top Tweets: See your main KPIs and find out which tweets got you the most followers, engagement and reach.
  10. Daily Follower Growth: Monitor how your audience growth with your daily follower increase.
  11. Detailed Tweet Analytics: Dive into detailed statistics for every single one of your tweets: likes, retweets, replies, profile visits and more.

Link: https://tweethunter.io/

2. Typefully

A minimal Twitter growth tool that helps you build an audience on Twitter and on other platforms too.


  1. Write & schedule, effortlessly: Craft and publish engaging content in an app built for creators.
  2. Publish anywhere: Post on LinkedIn & Mastodon too. More platforms coming soon.
  3. AI ideas and rewrites: Get suggestions, tweet ideas, and rewrites powered by AI.
  4. Turn your tweets & threads into a social blog: Give your content new life with our beautiful, sharable pages. Make it go viral on other platforms too.
  5. Powerful analytics to grow faster: Easily track your engagement analytics to improve your content and grow faster.
  6. Never run out of ideas: Get prompts and ideas whenever you write — with examples of popular tweets
  7. Share drafts & leave comments: Write with your teammates and get feedback with comments.
  8. Create giveaways with Auto-DMs: Send DMs automatically based on engagement with your tweets.

Link: https://typefully.com/

3. Typeshare

A tool for writers to write better and faster using idea generator and writing templates.


  1. Idea generator: Just enter a topic, and get unlimited (high-quality) writing ideas.
  2. Outline generator: Just enter a title, answer some questions, and get a full outline in seconds.
  3. Templates: Skip the blank page. Just pick a template, fill it in, and you’re done!
  4. One-click publishing: Publish posts directly to your social media accounts.
  5. Pixel perfect previews: Preview your writing exactly as it will appear on each platform.
  6. Schedule posts with content planner: Plan and schedule your content to social platforms in seconds.
  7. Templates for every format: With hundreds of templates, you’ll never run out of inspiration.
  8. Rhythm Blocks: Athena helps you write faster with Rhythm Blocks. Just add a block, fill it in, and you’re done!
  9. Headline review: Athena can review your headline and give you feedback on how to improve it.
  10. Outline generator: Athena can generate a full outline for you in seconds. Just enter a title and answer some questions.
  11. Track your streak: Make writing a daily habit and build consistency.
  12. Get your very own Social Blog: Share your posts with the world on a beautifully designed blog.
  13. Organize your content: Create shareable collections to organize your content.

Link: https://typeshare.co/

4. Hypefury

It is an all-in-one personal assistant to manage your Twitter growth.


  1. Enjoy handpicked top tweets from other creators and thousands of your own tweets.
  2. Hypefury auto-comments your newsletter, course, website, below your tweets that do well.
  3. It automatically retweets your best tweets giving them a second life
  4. You can turn your tweets into an IG-optimized image.
  5. Set up a marketing calendar to push promotions
  6. Turn a blog into a thread in one paste

Link: hypefury.com

5. Blackmagic

It is a tool that provides you with supercharged analytics to help you grow on twitter the best way possible.


  1. Supercharged Analytics
  2. Engagements Tracking
  3. Active Followers Tracking
  4. Top Interactions
  5. Tweet Real-time Metrics
  6. Daily/Weekly Email Report
  7. Engagements Heatmap
  8. Most Engaging Hours
  9. Consistency Tracking
  10. Followers Tracking
  11. Engagements Ratio
  12. Impactful Engagements
  13. Public Dashboard
  14. Tweets Dashboard
  15. Past Interactions Tracking
  16. Private Notes, Private Pins
  17. Favorite People
  18. Reminders
  19. Tweet Replies Search
  20. Quick Reply
  21. Saved Tweets
  22. Tweet Inspirations
  23. Notifications Filters
  24. Audience Highlights
  25. Pick Random Winner
  26. Explore Best Tweets
  27. Schedule Reply/Retweet
  28. Schedule Tweets
  29. Schedule Threads
  30. Browser Extensions
  31. Web Portal
  32. 3rd Party Integrations
  33. Mobile Apps (iOS/Android)
  34. Additional Twitter Account
  35. Multi-account Billing
  36. Priority Support
  37. Data Export
  38. Custom Setup & Reports

Link: blackmagic.so

6. Hivoe

Get qualified Twitter/X leads in your inbox on autopilot mode.


  1. Auto-send DMs: Use giveaways for viral Twitter growth.
  2. Your data, where you want it to be: Get data into Notion, AirTable, Google Sheet, or your CRM.

Link: https://www.hivoe.com/

7. Inboxs

A tool to help you manage lead generation and have efficient conversations with leads on Twitter/X.


  1. Never miss an unread message: Show only unread conversations, reply to them in a short time.
  2. Inboxs fixes clunky Twitter/X DMs. Mark as unread to keep them on top, unlimited Pinned conversations, Archive for an inbox zero experience.
  3. Use tags like a pro. Organize your conversations in categories.
  4. Reply in a breeze. Inboxs will make responding easy — so you can focus on the sale.
  5. Twitter DMs. At lightning speed: Every action has a keyboard shortcut
  6. Filter & Export tagged contacts: Integrate your tagged users with your CRM system in a breeze.
  7. Your entire team focused on messaging: Divide the support or sales effort between your team mates.
  8. Manage all your accounts. In one place: Connect all your Twitter accounts, and reply from one single view.

Link: https://www.inboxs.io/

8. AI Social Bio

Craft the perfect bio for your Twitter profile by learning from the bios of the top influencers.


  1. Create from keywords
  2. Get inspired from best profiles
  3. Generate your bio

Link: https://aisocialbio.com/

9. Tribescaler

Create viral Twitter thread hooks easily in minutes.


  1. Create hooks from keywords
  2. Ensure your hooks have virality potential
  3. Get inspired from the library of best hooks

Link: https://tribescaler.com/

10. Drippi

A powerful AI-powered assistant for your Twitter/X DMs


  1. Drippi automates highly personalized Twitter DMs using AI
  2. It helps you find leads that match your target audience’s occupation, industry, and interests, allowing you to engage more and search less.
  3. AI algorithm analyzes each lead’s profile to create personalized messages, resulting in higher reply rates and better engagement.
  4. Drippi sorts lead responses and tracks reply rates, allowing data-driven decisions to improve campaigns and increase ROI.
  5. With our powerful lead discovery solutions, you can easily pinpoint prospects that align with your ideal customer profile, giving you the insights you need to craft highly targeted outreach campaigns.

Link: https://www.drippi.ai/

I hope you’ve found this helpful.

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Have a great day!

