The MAKE IT app

Sylvie Lambrigger
3 min readJan 8, 2018


You always dreamed of making your own furniture or creating your own games for the kids or printing a giant poster for your room but you don’t have the tools to do that?

Tools are too big or too expensive or too noisy, so anyway you don’t want to have them at home.

You’re dreaming about DIY (do-it-yourself) projects but you don’t know where to find the tools to transform your idea into reality?

There are many places such as open access shop floors where you can work wood or use specialized tools to cut shapes from various materials (paper, plastic,textiles, etc.). Some of them are easy to find, but some of them are well hidden.

The MAKE IT app will help you locate the tools you’re looking for in your neighbourhood.

The app will first ask you what kind of work you want to do: cut, drill, sand..

The second step will be to say what kind of material you’ll work: wood, metal, plastic..

It will then show some different tool possibilities, for example for “cut / wood”: laser, CNC, circular saw, band saw.

Choose from the list the tool you’re looking for and it will show you the name of the nearest locations where you can find it.

It will also show some useful information such as opening hours, a list of all the tools they have in the same location, as well as a map that explains you how to get there.

After working there you can write a review and give the place some stars to help the people enjoy the best DIY locations, just as you do.

It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for a laser cutter, a 3d printer or a plotter, MAKE IT will find it for you.

Make your own objects.

In Europe, we are currently observing a huge trend towards “make it local”, triggered by an increased awareness for ecological concerns. And how can you get things more “local” than by making them yourself? On top of that, you won’t have to make compromises on how your object will turn out, because you are creating it yourself. You will be able to show it with pride.

You can even work with friends or family on a common project that will bring new connections and joy. And all the created objects will have their own story to tell.

The DIY community is growing bigger and bigger. Take this opportunity to connect with a lot of creative people

