Building the Receive Functionality for BIP21 URIs in LDK Node

Ian Slane
7 min readJul 16, 2024


In the previous post, we went into the integration of the bip21 crate in LDK Node, which enables the creation and parsing of BIP21 URIs. You can check it out here for better context. This week, we move forward to one of the main aspects of the project: implementing the receive functionality. This involves generating URIs that can handle multiple payment scenarios, including BOLT11 invoices and BOLT12 offers. In this post, I’ll take you through the initial rough draft, a step-by-step guide on the implementation, and code snippets with explanations. I’ll also show the updates to the serialize and deserialize logic from the last post.

Implementing the Receive Functionality

UnifiedQrPayment Handler

The UnifedQrPayment handler plays a crucial role in the overall implementation. Here a breakdown of its structure and functionality:

pub struct UnifiedQrPayment {
onchain_payment: Arc<OnchainPayment>,
bolt11_invoice: Arc<Bolt11Payment>,
bolt12_payment: Arc<Bolt12Payment>,
logger: Arc<FilesystemLogger>,

The UnifiedQrPayment handler struct integrates three key components: onchain_payment, bolt11_invoice, and bolt12_payment. These components are responsible for generating the necessary payment details—on-chain address, BOLT11 invoice, and BOLT12 offer—that are included in the URI.

Fortunately, I was able to utilize these existing payment handler APIs for these payment options, which streamlined the integration process. The components are private within the UnifiedQrPayment struct, ensuring that they cannot be directly modified by the user. Instead, they are managed internally, preventing alterations and ensuring that the payment details are generated accurately and securely.

Implementing the Receive Function

Now, let’s dive into the core of the matter: the receive function. This function generates a URI that includes an on-chain address, a BOLT11 invoice, and a BOLT12 offer. Here's a breakdown of its implementation:

impl UnifiedQrPayment {
pub(crate) fn new(
onchain_payment: Arc<OnchainPayment>,
bolt11_invoice: Arc<Bolt11Payment>,
bolt12_payment: Arc<Bolt12Payment>,
logger: Arc<FilesystemLogger>,
) -> Self {
Self { onchain_payment, bolt11_invoice, bolt12_payment, logger }

pub fn receive(
&self, amount_sats: u64, message: &str, expiry_sec: u32,
) -> Result<String, Error> {
// Function implementation

The new function serves as a constructor that initializes a new instance of UnifiedQrPayment (which is itself initialized as an instance of Node, to be discussed later) which is not public to the user. This function sets up the provided payment handlers along with a logger to give better error reasoning.

The receive function requires three parameters: the amount to receive (in sats), a payment message visible to the sender, and an HTLC expiration time. If successful, the function returns a URI as a String; otherwise, it returns an Error.

Function Overview

The function starts by generating a new on-chain address using the onchain_payment handler. The new_address() method from the on-chain payment handler generates the address returned as a String or an Error.

let onchain_address = self.onchain_payment.new_address()?;

Next, we convert the provided amount in satoshis to millisatoshis, the unit used by lightning payments.

let amount_msats = amount_sats * 1_000;

We then attempt to generate a BOLT12 offer using the bolt12_payment handler. If successful, the offer is included; otherwise, an error is logged. The bolt12_payment handlers receive function creates the offer and returns the offer as a String or Error much like our receive function.

let bolt12_offer = match self.bolt12_payment.receive(amount_msats, message) {
Ok(offer) => Some(offer),
Err(e) => {
log_error!(self.logger, "Failed to create offer: {}", e);

Similarly, we attempt to generate a BOLT11 invoice using the bolt11_invoice handler. Any errors are logged, and if the invoice creation fails, the function returns an Error.

let bolt11_invoice = match self.bolt11_invoice.receive(amount_msats, message, expiry_sec) {
Ok(invoice) => Some(invoice),
Err(e) => {
log_error!(self.logger, "Failed to create invoice {}", e);
return Err(Error::InvoiceCreationFailed);

Once we have the necessary components, we combine them into a single URI. The LnUri::with_extras method creates a new URI with the given on-chain address and extra parameters (BOLT11 invoice and BOLT12 offer). And finally, the function returns the URI as a string.

let extras = Extras { bolt11_invoice, bolt12_offer };
let mut uri = LnUri::with_extras(onchain_address, extras);
uri.amount = Some(Amount::from_sat(amount_sats));
uri.message = Some(message.into());


After all of that, the receive function successfully generates a BIP21 URI that can handle both on-chain and lightning payments with both an invoice and an offer. In the end the complete function looks like this:

pub fn receive(
&self, amount_sats: u64, message: &str, expiry_sec: u32,
) -> Result<String, Error> {
let onchain_address = self.onchain_payment.new_address()?;

let amount_msats = amount_sats * 1_000;

let bolt12_offer = match self.bolt12_payment.receive(amount_msats, message) {
Ok(offer) => Some(offer),
Err(e) => {
log_error!(self.logger, "Failed to create offer: {}", e);

let bolt11_invoice = match self.bolt11_invoice.receive(amount_msats, message, expiry_sec) {
Ok(invoice) => Some(invoice),
Err(e) => {
log_error!(self.logger, "Failed to create invoice {}", e);

let extras = Extras { bolt11_invoice, bolt12_offer };

let mut uri = LnUri::with_extras(onchain_address, extras);
uri.amount = Some(Amount::from_sat(amount_sats));
uri.message = Some(message.into());



The capitalize_qr_params function is designed to enhance the readability of BIP21 URIs by capitalizing the alphabetical characters in the lightning parameter. It starts by formatting the URI into a string. The function then iterates through the URI to find each occurrence of the lightning= part. For each occurrence, it calculates the starting and ending indices of the lightning parameter’s value, extracts this value, converts it to uppercase, and replaces the original value in the URI string. The loop continues from the end of the last found lightning parameter until no more occurrences are found. Finally, the function returns the updated URI string with all lightning parameter values capitalized for improved readability on mobile devices. In the next fix, I enhanced this function to accept both the URI and a key parameter, allowing us to pass in the key values so it could process any key-value pair (like lno=)!

fn capitalize_qr_params(uri: bip21::Uri<NetworkChecked, Extras>) -> String {
let mut uri = format!("{:#}", uri);

let mut start = 0;
while let Some(index) = uri[start..].find("lightning=") {
let start_index = start + index;
let end_index = uri[start_index..].find('&').map_or(uri.len(), |i| start_index + i);
let lightning_value = &uri[start_index + "lightning=".len()..end_index];
let uppercase_lighting_value = lightning_value.to_uppercase();
uri.replace_range(start_index + "lightning=".len()..end_index, &uppercase_lighting_value);

start = end_index

And of course, I’ll provide updates on any changes made to the code. Since these posts are somewhat delayed, I know that by the next post, there will be more effective ways to handle errors, rather than simply logging and silently ignoring them. Plus, the code you see is the result of multiple attempts, many of which involved dropping commits, so I can’t show you those unfortunately. It looks polished now, but I promise it took a lot of research and reviews to arrive at a decently rough draft.

Last week updates

SerializeParams Update

Last week, the project used a single lightning key for both BOLT11 invoices and BOLT12 offers in the SerializeParams implementation. But, I recently discovered that BOLT12 offers should be identified by the lno key instead. To fix this, I made the necessary changes to the serialize_params function within the SerializeParams implementation. Previously, the implementation was:

fn serialize_params(self) -> Self::Iterator {
let mut params = Vec::new();

if let Some(bolt11_invoice) = &self.bolt11_invoice {
params.push(("lightning", bolt11_invoice.to_string()));
if let Some(bolt12_offer) = &self.bolt12_offer {
params.push(("lightning", bolt12_offer.to_string()));


I updated it to add the lno key for the BOLT12 offer, resulting in the following implementation:

fn serialize_params(self) -> Self::Iterator {
let mut params = Vec::new();

if let Some(bolt11_invoice) = &self.bolt11_invoice {
params.push(("lightning", bolt11_invoice.to_string()));
if let Some(bolt12_offer) = &self.bolt12_offer {
params.push(("lno", bolt12_offer.to_string()));


This change (although simple) makes sure that BOLT12 offers are correctly identified with the lno key, aligning with the proper BIP21 update (WIP).

Deserialization Update:

Last week, for deserializing extra parameters, I implemented the DeserializeParams trait to convert the serialized data back into the Extras struct. The old implementation:

fn is_param_known(&self, key: &str) -> bool {
key == "lightning"

fn deserialize_temp(
&mut self, key: &str, value: Param<'_>,
) -> Result<ParamKind, <Self::Value as DeserializationError>::Error> {
if key == "lightning" {
let lighting_str =
String::try_from(value).map_err(|_| Error::UriParameterParsingFailed)?;

for param in lighting_str.split('&') {
if let Ok(offer) = param.parse::<Offer>() {
self.bolt12_offer = Some(offer);
} else if let Ok(invoice) = param.parse::<Bolt11Invoice>() {
self.bolt11_invoice = Some(invoice);
} else {

But, I had to make a change because of the new BOLT12 key. To address this, I updated the implementation to recognize both lightning and lno keys. This change ensures that the deserialization process correctly determines BOLT11 invoices and BOLT12 offers, processing each key appropriately. Here’s the update:

fn is_param_known(&self, key: &str) -> bool {
key == "lightning" || key == "lno"

fn deserialize_temp(
&mut self, key: &str, value: Param<'_>,
) -> Result<ParamKind, <Self::Value as DeserializationError>::Error> {
match key {
"lightning" => {
let bolt11_value =
String::try_from(value).map_err(|_| Error::UriParameterParsingFailed)?;
if let Ok(invoice) = bolt11_value.parse::<Bolt11Invoice>() {
self.bolt11_invoice = Some(invoice);
} else {
"lno" => {
let bolt12_value =
String::try_from(value).map_err(|_| Error::UriParameterParsingFailed)?;
if let Ok(offer) = bolt12_value.parse::<Offer>() {
self.bolt12_offer = Some(offer);
} else {
_ => Ok(bip21::de::ParamKind::Unknown),


In this post, we went through the implementation of the receive function, which generates a BIP21 URI capable of handling both on-chain and lightning payments using BOLT11 invoices and BOLT12 offers. We dove into the step-by-step process of generating the necessary components and combining them into a single URI, ensuring decent (better to come) error handling and improved readability for mobile devices.

In the next post, I’ll write about the send function and how I implemented it. I’ll also cover where these methods are called within LDK Node, and how I exposed the APIs in LDK Node’s bindings to facilitate easy integration with Python and Kotlin.

As always, thanks for joining me and if you found this article insightful or have any questions or critiques, I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or LinkedIn. If you want to review my PR, check it out here.



Ian Slane

Writing about stuff I learn in the world of Rust, bitcoin, and lightning