What Does <3 Mean in Texting and Social Media? (Uses & Examples)

Slang Words
2 min readSep 15, 2022


Want to know what the 3 symbol means? So, you’re in the right place. This heart can show up almost anywhere, like on Facebook, Instagram, or in a text message to a friend. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about the 3 (heart) emoticon, from what it means to how you can use it.

What Does The ❤ (heart) Mean?

“Love” is denoted by the emoticon “❤.”

The emoticon “love” is formed when the characters and 3 (which literally mean “less than three”) are combined to produce the image of a heart lying on its side.

What Does The ❤ (heart) Mean In Soical Media?

On Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, “Love” is the definition of 3 that is most frequently used.

Slang or Abbreviations With The Same Meaning

  • LUSM — Love You So Much
  • MCL — Much Clown Love
  • LYM — Love You Much
  • LUVM — Love You Very Much
  • LYSM — Love You So Much
  • LYSMB — Love You So Much Baby
  • LGLP — Love God Love People
  • ML — Much Love
  • MKL — Much Klown Love
  • MFL — Much Family Love
  • MJL — Much Juggalo Love
  • MLAR — Much Love and Respect
  • MMFCL — Much Mother Fucking Wicked Clown Love
  • luvuvm — love you very much
  • LYSFM — Love You So Fucking Much
  • TML — Too Much Love
  • MTM — Much Too Much
  • SML — So Much Love
  • LGLT — Love Gives Love Takes
  • LSLM — Love and Sons Love Mine

Text Slang Examples of ❤ Emoticon

Example 1:

John: Do you like the Red Rose?
Aliza: I ❤ them.

Example 2:

Want to find out more about online slang? Read about Alr, FWB, and IIRC in our explanations.

What is the meaning of < 3 abbreviation?

Much Love is the meaning of the abbreviation”3″.

What does < 3 stand for?

< 3 stands for “Much Love”.

How to abbreviate “Much Love”?

“Much Love” can be shortened to ❤.

What does < 3 mean?

The abbreviation ❤ stands for “Much Love.”

Source: What Does < 3 Mean in Texting and Social Media? (Uses & Examples)

