New Year, New Things for You and Your Business

Jaime Jay
5 min readNov 29, 2017

5 Ideas to have a more confident new year.

Two days to go and November fun is over! But a new horizon beckons — a new year, a blank slate that you can fill for you and your business. Are you ready to welcome it with arms wide open?

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.” — J.P. Morgan

Break through the clouds of doubt and get ready for a new beginning. The down times you might have experienced this year are not enough for you to lose sight of a brighter tomorrow. With a new year, new hopes and new chances are born.

As your web creative agency, here are some new year preparation ideas we gladly recommend for you and your business:

1. Fresh, new look

Break yourself free from any negativity you had this year. Treat yourself with a fresh, new look and welcome the new year with a positive outlook.

Leave behind the things that weigh you down or drag you from becoming your best self or from achieving your full potential.

There is truth that you can never share real value unless you experience that yourself. It starts from within.

Similarly in your business, check to evaluate anything that you need to improve or get rid of. Specifically in your business website, check to see how far you have achieved. Look for any areas to improve.

In the end, it could already be telling you to have an entirely new look for your website as well.

2. Clear perspective

A clear perspective allows for better ideas on what to do next. You might have started strong with your passion to succeed but passion is not enough.

One thing you can do is dive into who you are and what you want to achieve. You can consult with a brand developer to help you get started.

With a well-defined brand, you have clear perspectives and a stronger approach for the new year.

3. Guided journey

It is not easy to start a business especially when you are out on your own. You could hit dead ends and walls of uncertainty along the way. But you do not necessarily have to be alone in the journey.

You can hire a business coach or join a mastermind group to help you get going in your pursuits. They can serve as your mentors, helping you uncover things you should be doing and things you should not.

Not sure where to find such amazing people? Jaime and Jared recently partnered to bring you Lifebrand Collective. Applications are still open until December 15.

To guide you in the journey, you can connect with individuals with the same interests. They can be there for you each step of the way. You can learn from their insights and experiences regarding different situations in life and business.

4. Organized structure

Littered, cluttered, where to go?

Spearhead your success by setting up an organized structure. In life, identify priorities and determine which ones to focus on for the new year.

There is this very interesting thought set by the law of attraction. It says, “What you focus on the most is what will appear as your life.”

So if you constantly set yourself up doing those things that are in reality not helping you achieve your goals or become your maximum potential, then you just might be setting yourself on the path that is contrary to your goals.

Many look up to this law to achieve success in life. At a closer look, it is not as easy as it sounds. It takes discipline and perseverance in the process.

What you can do is be clear on number 2 above — have a clear perspective.

In your business, evaluate the performance of your actions. And check to see whether you have met what you needed to meet this year.

In your business website, you can set up a good structure using keywords that will boost your search ranking. From that, work on optimizing your content to make it matter to your target audience.

By doing so, you not only help search engine bots understand your structure and find you. Your target audience will also have a good understanding of who you are and what you are about.

No better way to start the new year than having an organized and ready structure.

5. Success partner

As you move forward, the amount of responsibilities and tasks you have also increase. Unfortunately, you could neglect or not be able to spend enough time on all the priorities in your list.

Ultimately, you could end up missing good opportunities for growth both in life and business. If so, it is an unfavorable situation that you are placing yourself in.

One thing you can do is find partners who can help lessen your workload and make things easier — or even faster — for you to step up the ladder of success.


When it comes to marketing, you can have a chatbot set up to help you generate leads and sales.

For podcasters, like Jaime Jay does at Stop Riding the Pine, you can partner with podcast production companies or software to help you out. Podcast Pilot and Castrly are among the suggestions.

And to help you in your personal or business tasks, you can also look for vetted virtual assistants. One such partner is Bottleneck.

Final Thoughts

This year is nearing its end. Are you ready to move forward to a new beginning?

Just like what financier and banker J.P. Morgan said, you need to decide that you are not going to remain where you are. You need to choose to take a step forward.

Endings do not necessarily mean that you should let things be or allow time to fly by. To think about it, endings could mean a transition phase for another chapter, a new book, or another set of series in this journey that you take in life and business.

You can either go with the flow of where it is taking you or you can decide for yourself to make it meaningful — worthwhile to have a more promising tomorrow.

Give us a clap or leave us a comment for us to know what you think about New Year, New Things for You and Your Business. Share the love to others by sharing this post with them.

Wishing you better days ahead. Cheers!



Jaime Jay

Jaime Jay proudly subscribes to the Ripple Effect of entrepreneurship. His goal is to help fellow business leaders discover their why through education.