This Game in the Field of Passion

Jaime Jay
6 min readJul 26, 2017

Passion. It’s that intense desire, that enthusiasm for something. We see it on billboards, on televisions — practically everywhere we go.

Everything we get in contact with is an output of somebody else’s passion. We wear designer clothes because someone had it in his right mind to create a line of clothing that is peculiar. We enjoy writing stories on Medium because someone dedicated his time and resources to make this platform possible.

But as we thrive in our own journey, we cannot help but meet people along the way who would return from the path they have taken. Or people who have stopped midway. Individuals and organizations seemingly lost in the field they once confidently stepped into.

What are they to do?

“We play the game because we want to stay in the game.” — Simon Sinek on Understanding the Game We’re Playing

Simon Sinek has always been an inspiration in finding the seemingly elusive “why”. In one of his talks, he shared how millennials struggle in finding real fulfillment in their lives.

Similarly, businesses grope in continuing in their fields because they themselves don’t understand the game they are playing. Many tend to get lost with either the unimportant things or the wrong objectives. And addiction to technology and the desire for immediate gratification are just not helping.

Sinek pointed out some key ideas about the game we are playing. Among them are:

1. This Game Demands to be Defined

What is your game and what is it about? Although it does help to write down your thoughts about this question and literally scribble descriptive words and phrases, defining one’s game goes beyond the words on paper.

It further answers questions, such as what industry are you in and what products or services do you provide? Who are your ideal clients? How much do you think will they be willing to spend?

Needless to say, the answers to the who, the what, the where, and the why are essential in any game.

There exists the need to identify and have a clear picture of what you are playing. Be it the game of life, the game of love, or the game of business, it all boils down to what it really is. It is that core that will serve as your guiding light in the field.

2. This Game Demands to be Understood

Just as Sinek pointed out, there are mainly two types of game. One is finite while the other is infinite. It does not matter which field of passion you are on.

  • Finite game — You know the players in the field. They all play within a fixed set of rules and objectives. It’s just like playing hockey or basketball or any other sport. It requires you to beat your opponents and stop when the time is over.
  • Infinite game — There are known and unknown players, and the game presents no rules. From the name itself, it goes on forever and doesn’t know any bounds. The game can change from time to time, and it is up to the player how he will sustain it.

Which game are you playing?

“The game of business is by its very definition an infinite game. It has preexisted before every single company on this planet ever existed, and it will outlast every single company on this planet.” — Simon Sinek

On this note, we find that it is so easy to quit if you don’t know your game. That’s just how it is.

If you are in the game of business, just like we are at Slapshot Studio, you have to understand that the game continues even when we are already peacefully resting six feet below the ground.

No wonder there are different players in a game. Each carries a specific and significant function to sustain it.

In our company, for example, we have a brand architect who is in-charge of helping entrepreneurs craft remarkable experiences for their own clients. We also have WordPress developers who take charge in building websites that perfectly present the stories of each client we work with. And, we also have a chatbot marketing specialist who helps our clients increase their leads, conversions, and ultimately scale their respective businesses.

They unite with the rest of the team to bring out what is best.

What this means is…

It calls us to also identify our own weaknesses and strengths so that we are more able to surpass the challenges. The field of passion is too great for us to play small time.

There exists the need to not just see the big picture but also to understand what it is all about. Consider what you already have and its potential.

You could easily be carried away by every wind of philosophy or strategy that is not compatible with your game. That is why you have to dive into yourself, know your game, and understand what it calls you to do.

The tools are already before us. It is up to us to pick them up, master them, and make the most out of them in the game.

3. This Game Demands to be Played

Just to recall…

First, we discussed that this game in the field of passion demands to be defined. Second, it demands to be understood. Now finally, we find that it also demands to be played.

It is funny if we call ourselves players but not do what we are supposed to be doing. Players play.

Going back to what Sinek shared, we are either playing a finite game or an infinite game.

Finite game players compete with others in the field. They busy themselves in checking what their opposition is doing. As a consequence, they tend to neglect their own strengths and fail to make up for their weaknesses.

On the other hand, infinite game players understand that the game goes on and so they consistently compete with themselves. In the process, they sharpen their skills and master their craft until such time that they reach summits that were once just dreams.

“It’s about whether the work you’re producing is better than the work you produced.” — Simon Sinek

If you are then playing the game of business, the conscious understanding that the game goes on empowers you to:

  • Play with patience — You understand that time is a constant. It is something that you can invest in to grow what you have available. Not everything can be done immediately. Sometimes you need to step back and evaluate how things are doing before they reach their fullest potential.
  • Play with compassion — Sinek presents the fearless notion that we are still living in the shareholder theory of the 70s, where players take on the responsibility to make sure that their fans are happy. Unfortunately, many have suffered from it — they willingly trade their own happiness for that of others’. As a consequence, they lose their self confidence and that’s when they consider quitting their game.

It tells everyone to have compassion for those around them, because the other players in the field maybe dealing with more struggles than what they are showing.

Regardless of what game we’re playing in this field of passion, it demands that we play it and play it well. Because if we don’t, well, what does that make us of ourselves?

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Slapshot Studio is a collective of storytellers, strategists, and designers from around the world. We partner with ambitious leaders to grow remarkable brands and websites that foster community and ignite the imagination.

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Jaime Jay

Jaime Jay proudly subscribes to the Ripple Effect of entrepreneurship. His goal is to help fellow business leaders discover their why through education.