Snippets: An impressive, obscure JavaScript trick

1 min readNov 3, 2016


tl;dr: Object.defineProperty lets you intercept reads and writes on POJO object properties (I know, crazy, right?).

When and why would I use this?

  • The variable you set a few lines ago mysteriously gets changed, and you have no idea what’s changing it. What the heck is going on?
  • A variable is being modified everywhere in the code, but sometimes it gets set with an unwanted value. You’d like to print a stack trace at the point when the unwanted value is set.

Sample snippets of code

  1. I’ve put together a quick JSFiddle “video” that shows you how it works in action. Click here to watch it.
  2. The following snippet should give you an idea of what this technique is capable of doing.
// You can open up your console and paste this snippet as-is
// Our POJO object
var foo = {bar: "baz"};
// Here, we initialize the interceptors
Object.defineProperty(foo, 'bar', {
set: function(value) {console.trace("set", value);},
get: function() {console.trace("get");}
// the following lines all print stack tracesvar king =; // stack trace on GET
var leonidas =; // stack trace on GET = 300; // stack trace on SET = "sparta"; // stack trace on SET

Object.defineProperty can do a lot more than what I’ve described here. Read more about it on Mozilla’s website.

