Simplicity: Software Engineering Wisdom

Published in
1 min readNov 12, 2016


Assertion: Simplicity is an asset.

Corollary 1: Complexity is a liability.

Corollary 2: Always choose the simplest technology you can to finish the job.

You should be cringing every time you decide to use complex technology. A large framework should be bitter medicine.

Some unpopular suggestions: Prefer static or templated pages to Angular. Use Node.js instead of Java. Use jQuery instead of Meteor. Use Sinatra instead of Rails. Try JDBC instead of Hibernate. Use a singleton Context object instead of Guice or HK2. Use Excel instead of R.

Above all else, use your head. Sometimes, things are simpler than they seem.

At other times, they’re a landmine masquerading as a silver bullet.

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