The Mafia Game

8 min readJun 29, 2017


Mafia is a party role game created around the concept of confrontation between organized minority (“mafia”) and disorganized majority (“citizens”).

Game setting: citizens have decided to exile all mafia members and mafia wants to kill all the citizens. Mafia players know each other and can kill one citizen at a time during “night”. Citizens do not have information about other players roles and have to conduct voting to exile alleged mafia players one at a time during “day” until none of them left.

Standard game duration is 1 hour.

Game process
Quick explanatory video by Mafia Next

1. Official rules of “Mafia” game

The game is designed for 10 people. Not less, not more. Players are randomly devided into two teams: “red” (citizens) and “black” (mafia). There are 7 “red” or citizen cards, one of them is a “Sheriff” card. And there are 3 “black” or mafia cards, one of them is a “Don” card.

The game is conducted by a host.

Game has two main phases — “day” and “night”.

“Red” or citizens team wins when all 3 mafia players leave the game. The “black” or mafia team wins when number of their members is equal or greater than number of “red” team members remaining in the game.

Mafia’s turn at “night” phase

2. Game location, equipment and language

Gaming table should allow comfortable seating for each of the 10 players and the host. The host may be at a place where he can easily observe players and hear them well.

Each of the players must have a plate with number and a mask for “night” phase.

All the players must be comfortable in using English.

3. Players

Player must remain at the table during all times while he is remaining in the game.

Player cannot use any equipment that may give unfair advantage or distract/offend others players.

4. Game rules

4.1 Game start

All ten players are randomly given seats at the table. Players are welcomed by the host and “night” phase begins, during which all the players must use their masks.

Each player puts off the mask and picks one card, then checks his role. After this player must put on the mask.

4.2 First “night” phase

After all players picked their roles first “night” phase begins.

Host to announce “Don is wakening up”. Player who picked “Don” card puts off the mask and shows that he’s the “Don”. In consecutive nights “Don” will wake up the same way to try finding “Sheriff”. Time for check is limited to 10 seconds.

Host to announce “Mafia is wakening up”. Players with black (“mafia”) cards are awakening (putting off the masks) and get familiar with fellow mafia players. “Don” indicates his role by gesture and shows numbers and order of citizens to be killed during consecutive night phases.

Host announces “Mafia is sleeping” which indicates mafia players have to put on the masks.

Host announces “Sheriff” is wakening. Player who picked sheriff card puts off the mask and indicates he is the “Sheriff”. In consecutive nights he will wake up similarly to check one player’s role at a time. His time is limited to 10 seconds to perform this action.

Host announces “City is wakening”. This indicated all players can put off their masks.

Shot of mafia player

4.3 “Day” phase

Players have to put off their masks. During “day” phase players discuss situation and share their opinions during 1 minute speech for each of the players.

Players are given 1 minute to speak consecutively starting with player 1 during first “day”, player 2 during second “day” and so on.

A player can address other players by their number or nickname.

Players end their “speak” turn by saying either “pass” or “thank you”.

Voting during “day”

4.4 Voting

Voting is taken place after discussion phase of the “Day”. Votes can only be casted for players who where submitted by one of the players during discussion.

During his/her minute of speaking each player can submit any player for exile vote. It has to be done by phrase “I’m submitting player number X for vote”. Host replies “accepted” to confirm.

During his minute player can revoke the player vote submission by saying “I’m revoking player X from vote”.

A player can only submit one candidacy for exile vote.

Vote casting is performed in sequence the submissions were made.

To cast his vote player must put his fist on a table right after vote for certain candidate has been announced and before host says “Stop” or “Thank you”. Approximate time to cast a vote is 2 seconds. After casting a vote player must keep their fist on a table until host announced count of votes.

Each player can only cast their vote for only one player during vote phase.

If player hasn’t voted his vote goes to last player on exile vote.

If player has removed his fist after touching a table his action counts as a vote.

If during first “Day” only one player is submitted the voting is cancelled.

Player with most votes leaves the game. He has right for 1 minute “last words” speech.

If two players received equal number of votes (“split vote” situation) they both are given additional 30 seconds speech in order they were submitted for a vote. After their speeches all players vote again for only those two players in same order. If those players receive equal number of votes again host initiates a new vote to exile both players at the same time. If this vote results in majority votes “for” both players leave the game, otherwise both players remain and vote phase has ended.

Role of exiled player not to be disclosed. Leaving exiled player can say his “last word” during 1 minute before leaving the table.

4.5 Second and later “night” phases

After first “day” phase ends host announces “night begins” which means all the players have to put their masks on.

During second and later nights “mafia” team has ability to “shoot”.

Host announces “mafia begins shooting” and then pronounces player’s numbers from 1 to 10. “Mafia” players shoot with gesture: by imitating trigger pull with raised hand above their heads at the same time host pronounces number of the player they want to “kill”. If all “mafia” players present at the table “shoot” at the same player — the player gets “killed” and leaves game at the beginning of next “day” phase with right for 1 minute “last words” speech.

If any player of “mafia team” shoots at another player, shoots twice or more, or doesn’t shoot — it results in a “miss” and no players leave the game after that night.

Host announces “Don wakes up and checking for sheriff”. Player with “Don” role puts off mask and shows the host player’s number he wants to check by indicating player’s number with his fingers. Host responds by nodding or tilting to indicate whether the player is “sheriff” or not. After this host announces “Don sleeps” which indicates that the player has to put on mask.

Host announces “Sheriff wakes up”. Player with “sheriff” role puts off the mask and shows player’s number he wants to check. Hosts responds by nodding if player’s role is “mafia” or tilting to indicate that the player has “citizen” role. Host announces “Sheriff sleeps” and the player puts on their mask.

Sheriff and Don both have 1 check each night.

During the night each player must not speak, move, touch other players.

4.6 Further game process

Further game process continues the same way until one of the teams win.

5. Prohibited actions

Following game rules violations immediately result in player’s team defeat:

  1. Pledge/vow of any kind (“I swear I’m a citizen”)
  2. Extortion of any kind, intimidations or bribery attempt
  3. Hints from others in the room

Following game rules violations immediately result in player’s dismissal:

  1. Peeking during night phase
  2. Offending of other players or usage of swearwords
  3. Hints to “Sheriff” or “Don” during the night
  4. Touching other players or any speaking during the night phase
  5. Leave of the gaming table
  6. Appeal to religious or non-ethical arguments during the game
  7. Touching other players at day phase or overuse of gestures

Following game rules violations immediately result in foul points:

  1. Speaking outside of allowed 1 minute
  2. Removing of fist from table during vote before host says “Stop” or “Thank you”
  3. Gestures or speaking during voting phase
  4. Unethical conduct
  5. Arguing with a host

6. Fouls

A player can be given a “foul” for breaking the rules above.

After receiving third foul the player skips next 1 minute speech (but can submit player for a exile vote).

After receiving 4th foul player leaves the game without right for “last words”.

7. Exceptional game situations

If a player leaves the game by receiving a 4th foul or disqualification the current or next vote is cancelled, unless this player has been “killed” at night or exiled by vote. If the vote result has been decided before dismissal and the dismissed player is not the one exiled, the next vote is cancelled.

If a player received 3rd foul and got into “split vote” situation he has right to speak.

If 3 players receive equal number of votes two times the vote ends.

If during 3 “day and night” phases no players left the game — the host announces a draw.

Vote for exile of ALL remaining players is not conducted.

8. Game gestures

“Don” gesture
“Sheriff” gesture
Number gesture (7)
Vote gesture
“Check” gesture
“Shot” gesture
“Speak” gesture
“Red player” gesture
“Grey player” gesture
“Black player” gesture

That’s it

If you are interested in the mafia game please contact me via comments or DM:

If you see how I can improve this text — please share your thoughts!

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