Node.js: MySQL stored procedures migrations

Viacheslav Rudnev
4 min readDec 9, 2023


MySQL stored procedures migrations

There are a lot of different tools to support the development of database changes in Node.js. It can be:
- Knex migrations;
- Prisma ORM migrations;
- Sequelize migrations;
- TypeORM migrations;
- and a lot of other tools.

All these tools do excellent work with table structure changing, but when you need to change stored procedure…

To change table structure there are many ways: ADD column, DROP column, CHANGE column, RENAME column, ADD INDEX…

What is the process of changing any stored procedure? Just drop it and create a new one with the same name…

So when we create migration for some stored procedure in our Node.js project we create two methods: down and up.


-- initial procedure code
CREATE PROCEDURE `some_proc` ()


-- new stored procedure code
CREATE PROCEDURE `some_proc` ()

Any new changes this is two new methods inside the new migration file.

When you are only one developer in this project this is a possible way. If two or more sometimes it is a problem when the first and the second developers try to change the same stored procedure. The first developer gets the source code of the initial stored procedure and creates his migration with his changes and the second developer makes the same but in the other migration file. Who’s changes will be in DB? The developer who pushes his changes after another. And the changes of the first developer will be lost.

One more question: where should the developer get the initial stored procedure code? Developer DB, production DB, or staging DB?

Here I will try to explain one of the possible ways to solve these problems

Hash migration

Suppose we have an SQL file with the code of the stored procedure:

CREATE  PROCEDURE `update_user`
userID int,
newFirstName varchar(32)
UPDATE `user`
SET `first_name` = newFirstName
WHERE `id` = userID;

-- two spaces inside a single quote are required for some reason
SELECT 'All ok' AS result,`first_name` FROM `user`
WHERE `id` = userID;

We can calculate the hash:

import crypto from 'crypto';

const SQLHash = (sql: string, marker = '_@#$^*_') => {
const parts: string[] = [];
let i = -1;
let source = sql
.replace(/\n/g, ' ')
.replace(/\t/g, ' ')
.replace(/\\'/g, `${marker}single${marker}`)
.replace(/\\"/g, `${marker}double${marker}`)
.replace(/'.*?'/g, (match) => {
return `${marker}${i}${marker}`;
.replace(/".*?"/g, (match) => {
return `${marker}${i}${marker}`;
.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ');

parts.forEach((part, i) => {
source = source.replace(`${marker}${i}${marker}`, part);

return crypto.createHash('sha256').update(source).digest('hex');

So if we change something in our SQL file the hash will be changed!

We need a tool to calculate hashes for all our SQL files, compare them with stored hashes, and if changes are detected run the corresponding migration file.


Based on these thoughts the npm package @rsol/hashmig was developed.

It includes the terminal tool to work with the SQL files inside the migration folder.

After installing this npm package you can run hashmig command:

Usage: hashmig [options] [command]

CLI migrations tool for MySQL stored procedures and functions

-V, --version output the version number
-c, --config <string> Path to config file (default: "./hashmig.config.json")
-h, --help display help for command

run [options] Execute migrations
clear Clear folder and table
init Fill table and folder by existing stored procedures and functions
help [command] display help for command

To configure, you can use `./hashmig.config.json` (see `./hashmig.example.config.json`) file or the following environment variables:
DB_PORT - post number
DB_SERVER - server address
DB_SELECT - database name
DB_USERNAME - username
DB_PASSWORD - password
HASHMIG_FOLDER - path to folder with migrations
HASHMIG_TABLE - name of table with migrations
HASHMIG_SILENT - disable logger

The command support help command: hashmig help or hashmig help run

Usage: hashmig run [options]

Execute migrations

-n, --noninteractive Non-interactive mode (default: false)
-h, --help display help for command

To use different DB connections you can use the — configoption with file path value. The config file can look like:

"db": {
"port": 3306,
"host": "localhost",
"database": "example",
"user": "root",
"password": "root",
"ssl": { "rejectUnauthorized": false }
"folder": "./hashmig_example_migrations",
"table": "hashmig_example_migrations",
"silent": false

Also config support pipes

"db": {
"port": "DB_PORT|env|toInt",
"host": "DB_PORT|env",
"database": "DB_NAME|env",
"user": "DB_USER|env",
"password": "DB_PASSWORD|env",
"ssl": { "rejectUnauthorized": false }
"folder": "./hashmig_example_migrations",
"table": "hashmig_example_migrations",
"silent": true

You can have interactive or non-interactive mode for CI/CD usage

hashmig --config=hashmig.user.config.json run -n

