Secrets of beauty of Russian girls

Joanna Brain
2 min readMar 29, 2018


Foreigners who visited Ukraine or Russia have always maintained that Ukrainian and Russian girls are the most beautiful. So, let’s find out how they looked at their beauty.
Unlike modern women, they did not have beauty salons, all kinds of shrubs and creams. At their disposal were only herbs. They used them so that they did not need anything to take care of the skin. For example, Russian beauties used milk, sour cream, condensed milk, butter, fats and egg yolks to give the skin a healthy, attractive look, as well as smooth wrinkles. Every woman of those times knew that a decoction of parsley and cucumber juice whiten the skin. Morning always began with a mandatory bath with soap and rose water (broth of wild rose) or “water in which there is a Rumanian herb” (broth of chamomile). Instead of rouge and lipstick Russian beauties used raspberry and cherry juice, and cheeks were rubbed with beets. Soot replaced a pencil for eyebrows and eyes.

Main skin care was performed in the bath, visiting it at least once a week. To make the body fresh, they did a massage with smears prepared on herbs, used the so-called “cold” — peppermint infusion. Girls who did not swim had to bathe in Russian ovens.
Girlish braids were the result of careful care: nettle and burdock roots served as an excellent tool for combating dandruff and hair loss. For girls who did not like the natural color of hair, they had to use plants: to paint their hair brown, they had to rub them with onion skin, saffron with chamomile — light yellow, barberry — in scarlet, with young leaves of apple — in red leaves of nettle — green.

Skin care for Slavic girls took a long time, because then there were no beauty salons, and cosmetics was popular. But the result was excellent.



Joanna Brain

Publicist, public figure, matchmaker. Intends to tell the whole world about the beauty and dignity of Slavic girls!