The image of a Slavic woman

Joanna Brain
2 min readMar 6, 2018


The beauty of Slavic women is harmony, inseparable unity of a sensitive, noble soul and a gracious appearance. After all, a person shining with thought and feeling can not be ugly. It was this icon-painting face that was the image of Slavic beauty.

The image of the Slav woman is incredibly multifaceted: she is an indefatigable hard worker, and a merciful sister, and a caring mother, and a tender wife, but above all she is a faithful friend, ready not only to support and inspire her beloved, but also to sacrifice loyalty to her ideals.

Slavic beauty is a cathedral, it marks a certain unity not only external and internal, the unity of many areas of space where a person lives — the space of the house and the whole of wide Russia.
Slavic girl acts as a symbol of goodness, unity, is the Mother of God.

In order to emphasize the whiteness of the face, the skin was thoroughly bleached with wheat flour, chalk or white clay. On this spotlessly white surface, the correct round shape was diligently displayed: the cheeks were rubbed with raspberries, cherries, but most often beets. Lips were also emphasized in the same way. Eyebrows and eyes were blackened with soot or carefully supplied with charcoal. The hair was also painted with the help of improvised natural remedies, starting from the husks of onions, ending with saffron. As a result, we have a beautiful woman, as they say, “blood with milk”.

In Slavic culture, the acquisition of a woman’s value takes place precisely in motherhood. Femininity is seen through procreation and upbringing. True femininity is manifested in the image of the mother. A woman must be “fruiting”.



Joanna Brain

Publicist, public figure, matchmaker. Intends to tell the whole world about the beauty and dignity of Slavic girls!