Introduction to Shopify App Optimization

Slav Stankov
4 min readFeb 25, 2023


Optimization for Shopify App Store

If you’re a Shopify app owner looking to increase your daily installations and revenue, you’ve come to the right place. In this series of articles, I’ll share my experience on testing different to drive product-led growth for Rush App on Shopify App Marketplace.

Disclaimer: Some tips here do not reflect new Shopify App Store updates released in 2023, but most of the content is still relevant.

Rush Shopify Marketplace App Listing

From April to the end of 2022 (8 months period), I increased daily installations from a stable 250 per month to over 1,100, and revenue increased three-fold.

Screenshot from Shopify Partners for Rush App for 2022 for installations
Screenshot from Shopify Partners for Rush App for 2022 for earnings

I also got the app in the top 100 of Shopify, beating our competitors in positions of different keywords.

Top 100 in All Shopify category
SASI Email update letting us know Rush top positions

So, how did I do it?

I focused on app listing optimizations, creating a strategy for positive review collection, getting our app into Shopify collections, optimizing inside the app for highlights and badges, and making changes to the app onboarding process.

In the following articles, I’ll be sharing all our learning points on different areas, such as understanding the Shopify Marketplace ecosystem, ranking and searching, keyword research, ads on Shopify Marketplace and Google, what impacts Marketplace ranking, how to optimize Marketplace listing on-site and off-site, reviews collection strategies, and more.

Is Shopify App Optimization for you?

Before I dive into the articles, let’s discuss why you should or should not care about your Shopify Ranking and save you some time. Our rule is that the more high touch or high subscription plan/enterprise service you provide, the less you should care about the Shopify Marketplace App listing and reviews. This is because you have a dedicated customer base who already knows and trusts your brand. However, there are still a few things you need to consider related to your business model, such as your top paid customer acquisition channels, your customer service/customer success model, whether you’re sales-led or product-led, your pricing, and more.

Another reason to not care about your Shopify reviews would be if you’ve found a strong channel that drives your app installs, such as a strong influencer, or if you’re an authority and merchants don’t need to go through the decision-making process when installing, or you have such a remarkable landing page, that they install directly.

To further help you with your Shopify app optimization, I’ve also listed some useful tools for Shopify app owners, such as the

If you’re looking for an expert in the Shopify App Store Marketing field, Vishwesh Shetty often shares valuable tips on his Twitter account. He had grown multiple apps in the marketplace. And if you need more personalized guidance, Shetty also offers consultations to help you achieve your app growth goals related to Shopify Marketplace optimization.

Further articles:

(I will update those over time, so press Follow to get updates)

  1. Understanding the Shopify Marketplace ecosystem
  2. Understanding Shopify Marketplace ranking and searching
  3. Shopify Marketplace keyword research
  4. Shopify Marketplace Ads
  5. Google Ads
  6. Understanding what impacts Marketplace ranking
  7. How to optimize Marketplace listing on-site
  8. How to optimize Marketplace listing off-site
  9. Reviews collection strategies for Shopify Marketplace
  10. App Partnerships as an acquisition channel
  11. Visualizing Your Shopify App Acquisition Channels
  12. Sales and Customer Support Enablement
  13. Further notes for Shopify notes for improvements



Slav Stankov

Results-driven Product Manager with a track record of fostering product-centric organizations through developing efficient processes and empowering team members