How Blockchain Technology can solve the data privacy problem

3 min readApr 30, 2018


In recent times, it has become increasingly worrying, the extent to which we are all being monitored and tracked on the internet by tech giants like Google and Facebook. The underlying problem comes from the backbone of their business model and how they make money.

Google and Facebook are some of the highest earners in the digital era currently, raking in billions of dollars in profit annually. Their core business revolves around selling advertisement to the vast network of users they have access to. Advertisers see a huge opportunity to get the word out to millions and are willing to pay the platforms top dollar to do so. With increasing competition from various brands to attract eye balls, you and I have become the ultimate victims of the internet era. Google and Facebook stop at nothing to develop algorithms that track all the activities of their users. Every chat, every comment, every picture posted or liked, location and so much more, are used to determine what an individual prefers so that the right type of advertisers are paired with them and they receive very targeted ads on a regular basis. Apart from the interruptions that ads bring to once engagement with digital content, the reality that our entire lives are being monitored and sold off to the highest bidder is scary and we cannot continue to be traded in the hands of big capitalist that care nothing about our privacy.

The ad model employed by these platforms is at the root of the problem. All of this data has to be mined, our privacy has to be compromised, in order for the platforms to deliver targeted ads to the users and generate revenue for themselves, the advertisers and third party publishers relying on these platforms to monetize content. As long as ads remain the only way in which to monetize content in exchange for the free service we enjoy on the internet, we are literally trading our souls for something disguised to look free. Our personal data defines who we are and cannot be traded for profit. It is unethical and immoral at all levels.

The SleekPlay blockchain platform provides an alternative, a better way of engaging with digital content without giving up personal privacy. As a team, we quickly realized the power of blockchain technology and its ability to solve real world problems. Our platform monetizes digital content by leveraging on the computational power of user devices. As users interact with content on the internet, their devices contribute hashes per second to the SleekPlay network to unlock blocks. These blocks contain a certain amount of SKP, the cryptocurrency that brings value to the platform. The unlocked SKP is then paid out based on a sharing formula, to developers as profit and also to users as incentive to continue contributing to the network. All of this is done as the users enjoy content on the internet and requires no technical knowledge of any sort.

As stated above, the value of the platform lies in the value of SKP. SKP is a community driven utility that grows in value as adoption increases. We believe that forward thinking and savvy users will turn to a platform and a utility like SKP that guarantees data protection. Platforms such as Google and Facebook can no longer have a strangle hold on the digital space and user data. Blockchain based monetization can comfortably replace ad based monetization and be even more profitable and rewarding to users and developers.

We encourage the blockchain community and enthusiast to study our whitepaper to learn more about SleekPlay and contribute to the success of this project as we begin the PreICO. We want everyone that believes in the potential of blockchain technology to spread the word about a new way of interacting with digital content that is private and secure.

