Sleep Aids
3 min readJul 23, 2016

The Benefits of Power Naps — And Why You Should Get These Pockets of Sleep

Power naps are not one to be estimated: they help many people combat fatigue and stay on top of their game at work, school, or home if they weren’t able to get completely rested the night before. But what can these little pockets of sleep actually do to the body?

In a WebMD report, sleep expert Dr. Sara C. Mednick said that daytime naps are one way to address the ever-present problem of sleep deprivation. She highlighted “incredible benefits” from just 15 to 20 minutes of napping, such as a good reset of one’s system, a burst of alertness, and better motor performance.

The brain-boosting benefits, however, may differ depending on the length of the nap and the kind of sleep one is getting. The stage 2 nap, for instance, is also known as the 20-minute power nap, and it is recommended for alertness and motor learning abilities such as playing the piano or typing.

Napping for over 20 minutes brings about its own set of health benefits. According to research, longer naps aid in boosting memory as well as enhancing creativity. The so-called slow wave sleep, which is napping for half to a full hour, is considered a gain for decision-making capabilities such as vocabulary enhancement and recalling directions.

How about rapid eye movement or REM sleep? This form of napping done for 60 to 90 minutes is instrumental in forming new connections in the brain and creative problem solving.

Naps have even been pitted against coffee in the energy-boosting properties, and Mednick believes that the former is a better option particularly for memory performance.

So how do you make the most out of power naps? Mednick advised being consistent or keeping a regular nap schedule. Primetime falls in the middle of every day, or from 1 to 3 in the afternoon. It is also ideal to make it quick — set your phone alarm for up to 30 minutes only if you do not want a groggy feeling upon waking up.

It’s best to nap in a dark room or wear an eye mask if there’s too much natural light around. Stay warm, too, and stash a blanket nearby to put over yourself — your body temperature drops while you sleep.

Smart lifestyle choices such as a good, balanced diet and exercise may be combined with natural sleep remedies if you are often having a hard time snoozing at night. Deep sleep is particularly important and helps you wake up feeling more alert, energized, and ready to face the day ahead — but power naps are also ready to lend a hand.

The supplements world is abundant with sleep aids like kirkland sleep aid as well. Nootropics are not only cognitive-enhancing substances for addressing memory, focus, and learning deficits, but can also serve as otc sleeping pills that could positively affect your sleep and overall well-being.

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