We’re on the Hunt — For a Kick A** Developer

Published in
4 min readApr 7, 2015

It’s been an exciting few years at Sleighdogs! We opened our Prague office. We connected some rad European startups during our “Relate” event series. We started designing our first in-house app — but more on that in the future.

Between exploring design trends, mastering new technology, and meeting tons of people, we’re covering a lot of ground. That’s what excites us! And it keeps our team growing.

We’re on the lookout for a back-end and/or front-end developer. We realize that’s pretty broad, but here’s the thing: at Sleighdogs we’re not just looking for talent, but personality. We want someone who’s down to get a bite to eat, maybe a drink too, and chat about the future of AI. We bond over all things Internet, from bots buying things on the darknet to Twitter accounts like @oldmansearch. We named our refrigerator “Friday” — because it showed up on Friday.

Okay, enough about us. We’re looking for you! Or your sister or your friend or your babysitter-turned-developer. We want someone who writes some mean code, has a good sense of humor, and is eager to join and influence a growing IT company.

Who We’re Looking For

A forward-thinking professional who’s passionate about design. Clean, well-designed code is a native language for you. You’re well-versed in front-end and/or back-end development and have experience with:

  • Common third-party APIs
  • Writing SQL queries
  • Front-end frameworks: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
  • Back-end frameworks: PHP, Node.js

Sleighdogs are experts who are eager to share their knowledge and learn from others. We’re not asking that you know everything, but you should let us know if you’ve got a few of these tricks up your sleeve:

  • Unit testing
  • SEO concepts
  • Page load optimization
  • Experience with Agile software methodology
  • CMS systems like MovableType, Wordpress
  • Other programming languages, such as Java, .NET, PERL, Python, or Ruby

The position is full-time, with flexible hours. Scheduling is results-oriented at Sleighdogs, meaning each person is responsible for designing their own workflow. Additionally, there is the potential to work remotely after an initial “crash course” at the Prague office.


We’re a pack of digital natives from across Europe. We build websites and digital products for new enterprises, established businesses and our own ventures. Inspired by user-oriented design, we prototype quickly and create products that are purpose-driven and integrate effective information hierarchies.

Why Sleighdogs?

While we’re free to work flexibly and remotely, the office is typically full throughout the week. Because we enjoy spending time together! We’re a small group who likes discussing projects in a casual, open setting. Formal meetings aren’t really a thing in our book: we prefer chatting over table tennis or beer. And we’re not just discussing current projects, but how to improve on everything we do.

For us “lean team” means each of us is responsible for where Sleighdogs is going. Our company is shaped by the pack that drives it. Remember those in-house ventures we mentioned? Those are projects pitched, prototyped, and created by our staff. Anyone with an idea can make it happen here. We’re a group of teachers and learners, helping each other grow, develop new skills, and make visions a reality. We even offer private English lessons with our in-house teacher!

Pokud tak docela nevěříš svým jayzkovým schopnostem v angličtině, nemusíš se bát. Do týmu tě chceme tak jako tak, a s angličtinou ti můžeme následně pomoci. Spolupracuje s námi totiž učitelka angličtiny, které by bylo potěšením ti pomoci tvoji angličtinu zlepšit.

Sound like something you’d be interested in? Shoot us an e-mail: contact@sld.gs.




Pulling Ventures • A pack of specialists from across Europe, we work with businesses to create state of the art technology. • www.sld.gs