How We Started Changing The World

3 min readAug 4, 2014

By Thomas Vavrys, Founder of Sleio

This article will walk you through the story how it all started and how I founded a not-for-profit organization called Sleio that I believe might change the world with a bit luck.

Sleio officially launched on May 6th, 2014. However, the idea of Sleio goes far behind this date. Two years ago just before the idea was born I was developing a statistical analysis tool for trading on derivatives market. Just for my personal usage. As you can imagine, I worked on a complete opposite of what I do now. I wanted to become a trader — person with a principal objective to make a profit. I falsely thought that enough money could create my own perfect world.

It starts simply. You want to take care of your family, buy your own house or have more time for your hobbies. But it gets complicated if you are an idealist. You start asking yourself these questions.

Why don’t we have free healthcare and education for everyone?
Why do we spend so much money on military?
How can we get rid of corruption?
Is it possible to create a world where everyone can afford a house?

I could go on for ages. To cut a long story short, I was wrong, naive and I hated it. No money could buy me that and I’m pretty sure no one would be capable of accomplishing that alone. Despite that, I still believe there is always a solution to a problem.

For starters, I could change how people think about these things, how they cooperate or how they define what is important on a global scale. I could gather the most gifted and talented people and help them achieve their ambitious ideas.

Most important of all, I could get people involved in solving the world’s biggest problems.

This very core group of thoughts is the foundation stone of Sleio.

How would I do it, you ask? We just need a beneficial thing which people use every day. It must generate a lot of resources because I could think up hundreds of world-changing projects that are not able to obtain them by themselves. That doesn't mean they are not worth the effort. It’s just really hard for them if they sell something which doesn’t exist yet. In short, everybody should use it, it has to be free and generate a lot of resources. Excellent. We now know what we’re looking for.

We’re almost there. People use Google almost every day, right? We have “a thing and an income”. Now, we need to split that money wisely. Well, let the people decide. Kickstarter-like system could work. Put it all together and we’re done. In theory, we have just founded a research team looking for a cure for cancer.

I call it Sleio. I think of it as a new economic paradigm, but it is “just” a search engine that donates 100% of its profits to causes you love.

As you can see, I just slightly re-imagined Google and Kickstarter and created a possible solution to global problems. It is also amazing how it overcomes lack of interest, lack of time, greed, laziness and many other obstacles. It just works!

Because in the end, you might find yourself in a position where one of your family member may struggle with cancer, and you want to know that you did your best in your life to avoid this unfortunate situation. You may not be directly involved in finding a cure for cancer, but you might stand very close to that thanks to Sleio, figuratively speaking.




The official Medium account of Sleio, a search engine that donates 100% of its profits to causes you love.