Hanif Sulthoni : Never Get Tired Of Writing

S Lidia
2 min readFeb 9, 2017


Hanif Sulthoni.

Hanif Sulthoni is an Author and Journalist from Indonesia. At the age of 12, He manage to publish 2 novels and a couple of poetry. After writing stories for years, Now he try to do Journalistic. In a month, He already choosen to be a staff writer for several Online Medias like Affinity Magazine and Trivia ID.

I got a chance to Interview him a couple days ago. Check It Out :

Hi Hanif, How are you?

Hi, I’m good. How are you?

I’m Good too. When did you started writing?

I started to write since i was 8/9. I usually write a short story on my notebook, But I got a chance to publish my first book when i was 12.

Did your parents support your writing career?

Yes! They are very supportive actually. They even facilitate me by buying me a netbook. I’m glad to have a family who always there and support me.

What genre of your books?

All my novels is fantasy. My books is specifically for Children.

When did you realize that you love writing?

When i was 9, I already fallin in love with writing, But now i realize that Writing is my passion.

When did you started Journalistic?

I actually started to do jurnalism like a month ago. I’m really new to Journalism and still learning.

Why are you interested in Journalism?

I just love to do something new that i never did before and i find journalism is very interesting because i also can improve my writing skills by making articles.

Thanks Hanif for taking the time to do this Interview, Have a nice day!

My Pleasure, Have a nice day too.

