Important notice for bounty campaign participants…

4 min readApr 28, 2018


The Slips team have been discussing internally for the last week about putting on pause the bounty campaign we have been running for the last two weeks. Before we make an actual decision, we have decided to let the current participants let us know their thoughts as well by voting.

If you have applied and been accepted for a bounty campaign, you will see the notice below in your administration console on the Bounties screen, which will lead you to page where you can cast your vote.

The rest of this article will explain why we want to stop the campaign for now…

  1. As you know we have an extremely small team and we have other responsibilities within our roles. For example our CEO also does the front end design, development, writing of news stories, dealing with investors etc. You’ll see our lead designer working on mock ups for the UI and also answering support questions in the Telegram channel. Our biggest issue has been creating enough fresh content and managing the social media campaigns that we have created alongside the other tasks. With the majority of the team focused on building the wallet currently, we do not have the resources to run a bounty campaign as well.
  2. We recently lost our social media / marketing manager and we have yet to find a replacement for him. This means we have had to rely on our campaign manager Clint to help with promoting and administrating the campaign which is beyond his brief. The end result is that we have not been able to promote the bounty campaigns as effectively as we wanted. The higher the quality of the campaign, the more the participants will individually benefit from it so we would rather run a better campaign that benefits Slips in the longer run than a quick campaign.
  3. We found that unfortunately there are a huge number of people looking to scam the system and a LOT of our resources have gone towards managing the people who use fake followers, accounts and other tricks to try and obtain more tokens.
  4. We feel once there is a working product (our biggest priority) — there will be more content to share and more interesting discussions about the project in our social channels. Until that point, the quality of discourse in our social media has been sadly lacking and reflects badly on the project.
  5. Related to the above, some of the articles and videos produced have not been of the standard we would like to accept and partially it is our fault as without the proof of concept / working product, there is not much for reviewers to work with. We want to give you something juicy to write about / make a video about and right now we cannot commit the man power to make that happen.

Given these points, we have a strong inclination towards pausing the campaign. The following are answers to some questions we think you might have. If we have not covered your particular concern, please pop into the Telegram channel and ask one of the admins.

Questions you might have following this announcement…

What will happen to the stakes I have earned so far?
As you know, we have a custom system we designed ourselves to manage the bounty campaign and everything is recorded into our system. If you have been submitting reports, then nothing will happen to the stakes that you have earned already. We will continue the campaign once we are in a better place and you will retain anything that you have already worked for.

How long will the campaign be paused for?
We cannot put a definite deadline on it, but we are focusing all our energies on our May 20th deadline for getting the wallet launched. We also have some positive news on the investor/advisor front soon, so it might be that the campaign is back and running shortly; but we cannot commit to anything right now!

Are you going to extend the campaign?
We originally planned a 4 week campaign and we have had done two low key week so far. So there may be an opportunity to extend that campaign for slightly longer, giving people an opportunity to join and earn some tokens. We will communicate this clearly when we resume the campaign.

When will you make the decision?
Effectively we are on pause right now whilst we wait for people to login to the system and cast their votes. If you are participating in the campaign, we want to know your thoughts before we put it on ice permanently. Maybe you think that it’s possible for us to continue the campaign, let us know by reaching out and we will take your views into consideration.

Sounds like you need to make the team larger, how can I volunteer?
We are on the lookout for people who want to contribute to the community and perhaps even the team. Please get in touch with us via our social channels or email us; and we will take it from there.




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