New Meida Week 1 -Project Title: California Dreaming

Raven Zhu
4 min readDec 9, 2018


Project Title: California Dreaming

Summary: This project I combine 3d printing, laser cutting and coded embroidery together to reflect my imagination and the pictures I took for California.

I created 5 models for the 3d printing which are “Los Angeles Egg”, “Ice cream Penguin”, “Space Pot” ,“Balloons Monster” and “Palm tree”.

One laser cutting board named “California Dreaming”.

I also created three coded embroidery which are three “Broken hearts”, “Christmas Palm Tree” and “Shooting star”.


My work is inspired by the song “California Dreaming” and the photo I toke when I with my friends travel to the California. I want to create an artifact that can reflect the photo I took and also find the relationship between the technology and the vision of the reality.


Process (weekly updates and next steps)

Week 1: Learn how technology work.

Week 2: Develop the mind map.

Week 3: Created paper mind map.

Week 4: Working with 3D printing ,traveling to the LA and getting inspiration.

Week 5: Created My first 3d model by Thinker cad called “Los Angels Egg” and also created the Laser cutting file” California Dreaming”.

Week 6: The first Critique and rebuild the 3d model to achieve prefect printing.

Week7: Created new model: “Ice cream Penguin”.

Week 8: started to use the laser cutting and 3D printing in real. I use 3D printer to printout my “Los Angeles egg” and “Ice Cream penguin”.

Week 9: Using putty 3d to crate the model that inspire by the night that I saw falcon 9 rocket launch from the mountain at LA.

Week 10: Printout my tiny little 3D model and then oven the 3d print scripts

Week 11: Printout 3d model and I also found some turtlestitchs, which I can put on my fabric.

Week 12: I designed my background of the box, which are three “broken hearts” that made by the turtle stitch.

Week 13: I started to build all my artifacts together.

Visual Documentation

