Three Big Lies about Ukraine War: “Unprovoked”… “Sovereign”… “Democracy”

SL Kanthan
6 min readJun 9, 2023


Western media have consistently used certain emotional words regarding Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. And the media, pundits, and the masses repeat them like parrots ad nauseam. Here is how they are used:

  • Russia’s invasion was “unprovoked”
  • Ukraine is a “democracy”
  • Ukraine is a “sovereign nation”

Let’s debunk these assertions!

Ukraine has been provoking Russia for a long time

Ukraine has been provoking Russia for a long time. Or rather, the US has been using Ukraine to provoke Russia for a long time. For example:

  • In 2019, Ukraine amended its constitution to include NATO membership as a goal.
  • Ukrainian politicians have repeatedly talked about even acquiring nuclear weapons. Zelensky gave a speech about this just a few days before the Russian invasion.
  • The US spent tens of millions of dollars building secretive biological (bioweapon?) labs in Ukraine. And these labs were run by the US Pentagon. Not your innocent research facilities.
  • NATO has now admitted that it has been training Ukrainian soldiers and arming them since 2014.
  • The US/EU orchestrated the Maidan Coup (fake revolution) in 2014 and overthrew a democratically elected popular leader. His only fault was to be pro-Russia. Remember how John McCain flew to Kiev and gave a speech at the Maidan. Later, he and Lindsey Graham visited Ukraine many times and, in 2016, told Ukrainian soldiers, “Your fight against Russia is our fight. We will start attacking Russia in 2017”
  • Ukraine turned viciously anti-Russian over the last decade. More on that in the “democracy” section.
  • In the 1990s, geopolitical wizard Brzezinski — also, an adviser to Presidents Carter and Obama — wrote in his book that Ukraine must be brought into US sphere of influence and into NATO by 2020. Brzezinski went on to say how this would end the “Russian empire.” Yeah, Putin must have read that book as well.
  • The US has been working with Ukraine’s Nazis and ultra-nationalists since the 1950s. The CIA brought many of them to the US and Canada after WW2 — Operation Aerodynamic.
  • Finally, Ukraine was amassing huge troops alongside of Donbass. They were ready to invade Donbass and Crimea.

Russia could have waited for Ukraine to make the first move, but it would have been too late. Plus, Ukraine would have easily staged a false flag attack, blamed Russia, and invaded Crimea/Donbass anyways.

Ukraine is not a Democratic Nation

Ukraine is not a democracy. It is a corrupt oligarchy that ranks 122 among 180 nations in the Transparency Index.

A true democracy would protect all its citizens. However, Ukraine has been discriminating against Russian Ukrainians like Hitler did with Jews. Ethnic Russians make up about 40% of Ukraine’s population, but they have been facing incredible persecution.

Since 2014, Ukraine has banned Russian-language TV/radio stations, Russian-language websites, pro-Russian political parties and so on. Politicians, business men, and celebrities who were considered “pro-Russia” were driven out of the country. Some politicians have been arrested. In smaller towns, people get assassinated if they were thought to be “traitors” — a.k.a pro-Russia.

Since 2014, Ukraine has been bombing Russian separatists in Donbass, killing 14,000+ ethnic Russians, who are/were citizens of Ukraine. One must remember that Russia-Ukraine ties goes back centuries.

Russian as native language — Ukraine map

A true democracy would not allow extremists to become mainstream. In Ukraine, Nazism is glorified openly. The most famous paramilitary group “Azov Battalion” uses Nazi symbols; and Ukrainian soldiers are seen with Nazi paraphernalia all the time! There are numerous mainstream articles and documentaries on Nazis in Ukraine, although everyone pretends to have amnesia now.

Azov battalion with Nazi/SS symbols; How Western mainstream media talked about Nazism in Ukraine before Russian invasion
Ukrainian soldiers with Nazi insignia and symbols. Straight out of WW2

Here is my Twitter thread of videos of how Nazism is shockingly mainstream in Ukraine.

The most famous Ukrainian Nazi collaborator was Stepan Bandera, who also killed numerous Jews and Polish people. Now, his birthday is an official holiday in Ukraine! And there are statues for him and streets named after him all over the country.

Stepan Bandera — Nazi Collaborator. Ukrainian postal stamp; Torchlight marches for his birthday (Jan 1)

Ukraine is run by oligarchs and foreigners. The elections are useless and scripted like a Hollywood movie. Meanwhile, the average pension in Ukraine is $150 a month. It is the poorest and the most corrupt nation in Europe.

Ukraine is not Sovereign

First, even sovereign nations cannot do whatever they want. The US has overthrown or assassinated numerous leaders around the world just because they were not pro-US. Now, when a “sovereign” nation like the Solomon Islands make a deal with China to open a new port, the US and Australia get all worked up; and Australian media even wanted to invade the islands! If any Latin American or Caribbean country did 1/100th as much as Ukraine, in terms of aligning with Russia or China, that poor country will be sanctioned, invaded and bombed.

Looking at the big picture, weak countries rarely have sovereignty. They have to become a vassal state of a powerful ally. In this case, Ukraine is a puppet state of America. The EU is just a handler. Europeans go with whatever the US demands. But this has been going on for a long time.

  • In 2004, the US orchestrated a color revolution — the Orange Revolution. When a pro-Russia leader won, the grassroots organizations funded by George Soros cried foul, demanded a new election, and got the pro-US leader. Soros openly admits that his group has spent billions of dollars in Ukraine since the 1990s.
  • In 2014, US Asst. Sec. of State, Victoria Nuland, admitted that the US government spent $5 billion in Ukraine to spread “democracy.” What this means is spreading propaganda, recruiting pro-US grassroots organizations, bribing politicians etc.
John McCain with Ukrainian President Poroshenko & military; Bandera march; Neo-Nazi group Azov

NATO’s commander, Jens Stoltenberg, openly admitted on video that NATO has been training Ukrainian forces since 2014.

The poor Ukrainian people are being used as canon fodder for America’s geopolitical ambitions. Ukraine’s elites are controlled by the US. All these rich guys have visas to their nation of their choice. There are videos of Ukrainian “refugees” driving Ferrari in Poland and partying in huge yachts in Greece.

Big Picture

One final big picture point: When Soviet leaders agreed to peacefully dissolve their nation, they hoped to become a part of the Western world. However, the US stabbed Russians in the back and tried to destroy Russia in the 1990s.

Later, the US kept expanding NATO — 14 so far and a few more in the waiting. This blatantly violated the promise that US officials made to Gorbachev: “NATO would not move one inch eastward.” See my article: “Not One Inch Forward” — Broken NATO Promise that Led to Ukraine-Russia War.

NATO expansion from 1990–2020. 16 new countries have been added by 2023

In 2008, when the US announced that Georgia (the country) and Ukraine would eventually join NATO, Russia was furious and warned numerous times that would cross the red line.


This is a carefully planned proxy war by the US. The goal was to provoke Russia into an invasion and then cripple it through unprecedented sanctions and a war of attrition. Like a repeat of the 1980s Afghanistan war that led to the collapse of the USSR.

The lies about Ukraine perpetrate only because of enormous censorship. As soon as the war started, the US social media has become the gatekeeper, along with help from an internet army. Even an old documentary — Ukraine on Fire — by Oliver Stone got quickly removed from YouTube. Many people like (Brazilian writer) Pepe Escobar and (American, former marine and UN inspector) Scott Ritter were quickly banned from Twitter. Numerous pro-Russian websites and accounts have been censored as well.

If people knew the truth, they would support the prudent action — negotiate peace with Russia, turn Ukraine into a neutral country, and end this madness.

— S.L. Kanthan (Follow me on Twitter) (Follow me on Substack)

Originally published at



SL Kanthan

Geopolitical analyst, columnist, blogger, tweeter, podcaster. Based out of Bangalore, India.