Four and Twenty Blackbirds

Sharon M
1 min readJun 26, 2020
Photo by Tyler Donaghy on Unsplash

Following fingers,
To spot what they know
And discover what lingers
For Raven or Crow.

They’ll mob, if you’re craven;
Give trinkets, if kind.
This Crow and that Raven
Leave their gifts behind.

A tit for your tat
And a quid for your quo
Changing “this” for your “that,”
Wily Raven, Canny Crow.

They’re partial to dry-roasted peanuts and cashews. Love Cheetos. And won’t ignore a bit of dry catfood.



Sharon M

Feet on the ground. Head in the clouds. The world dances around us. We, focused on other matters, see not.