Hannah Miller
1 min readJan 12, 2018

Angry Sea

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Just as the sea rises up and swells

Before the great crescendo

To crash with ecstatic release

Dissipating the stored energy

In time to gather it once more.

Your rebellious nature reflects

This passion by embracing

And reflecting what the eyes see

What the ears hear , the molecules

That the nose detects so that the

Truth is tasted not by

What is said , but by

What is felt , — What is felt

Rises to a crescendo and crashes

Upon the hard stones of hypocrisy

And gathers once more into

The passionate soul intact ,

Integrity and dignity fuels the heart

And lies quietly contained

Just under the surface of

The placid face , eyes piercing the depths

Watching for the false move

Dispatching the words to paper

To reflect global unrest , deceit

A mirror to deflect the fire and expose

The lies which perish in the light.

Hannah Miller

Story telling was a part of my history. I grew up on an Island in the Atlantic where oral stories were told for entertainment.