Sustainable Tourism in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka News
3 min readJan 8, 2020


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Sustainability can be defined as practices that meet the needs of the current generation while ensuring that the future generations can experience and enjoy the same benefits.

Sustainability and conservation are trending keywords in society nowadays, but the concept of sustainable tourism has existed for many years.

Sustainable Tourism is a concept of providing hospitality and leisure services in a manner that protects not only the environment, but local economies and societies. Too often, when hordes of tourists visit a destination it has disastrous consequences in the surrounding areas. This occurs due to either carelessness or the very nature of the industry. Sustainable tourism ensures that the destinations retain their natural appeal, and the residents (all living things, including trees and animals as well as humans) are not affected, while also allowing tourists to experience the destination to the fullest and enjoy themselves.

Sustainable tourism requires effort, time and money. But it is unarguably worthwhile IF done correctly. Many places implement slapdash “green” initiatives that have no concrete effects. However, legitimate sustainable tourism initiatives have boosted the appeal of many destinations, and more and more discerning travelers are concerned about their eco-footprints. Not all places have to be eco-friendly or promote eco-tourism. All destinations can practice sustainable tourism in many forms.

Image by Rilsonav from Pixabay

Some examples of sustainable initiatives that can be taken by destinations are as follows:

  1. Reducing disposables (such as plastic water bottles, paper serviettes etc.)
  2. Stop trading with illegal or unethical suppliers or industries (turtle hatcheries, elephant rides, sub-par zoos, etc.)
  3. Implement green practices on-site (recycling, water saving, garbage segregation, proper disposal of garbage etc.)

Hotel chains and conglomerates in particular can implement group/chain-wide sustainable practices to set them apart from other brands. If we look at conglomerates in Sri Lanka, Hayleys Group and its leisure sector are committed to reducing their environmental footprint and increasing the positive impact on the communities. Some of its initiatives are as follows:

  • Restoring Coral Reefs at Amaya Kuda Rah
  • Solar Energy at Amaya Langdale, which has recently been renovates and upgraded to the status of a luxury bungalow in Nuwara Eliya
  • Empowering local coconut growers at Amaya Beach
  • Reducing paper usage by staff at Amaya Hills
Image by 95C from Pixabay

Not only destinations, but travelers themselves have plentiful opportunities to be sustainable, such as:

  1. Travel during off-season
  2. Be careful of garbage disposal
  3. Do not feed animals or damage trees
  4. Do not engage in harmful, illegal or unethical activities (visiting dodgy turtle hatcheries, elephant rides of any kind, visiting controversial local zoos, etc.(
  5. Reducing carbon footprint (traveling in numerous vehicles, private planes etc.)
  6. Support local communities (shop local)
  7. Respect local traditions



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