BANKERA: The Era of Monkey-Style ICO

King Arbin
8 min readOct 28, 2017


In natural environment the behavior of monkey hoard is pretty simple in terms of who leads and who follows in the chase for bananas. During normal period of time, there is no excess of bananas, so majority is hungry and no interesting thinks could be observed. But in closed environment, where some external inhabitants like visitors of a zoo could bring unexpectedly much more bananas in aching monkey’s environment, very-very interesting points could be observed.

Point 1: Losers and cheaters mimicry alphas

Then third-ranked male try to increase its rank, he engages in process of copying alphas behavior. If there is any alpha with glasses, such mimicry process could includes wearing glasses. The case here is be as such close to leader in terms of gestures, appearance, sounds etc

So this is exactly the case with Bankera CEO Vytautas Karalevičius. After several years of intern with Bloomberg he was pulled out of this company. No carrier, no future. So he created in 2013 Spectrocoin: one of many btc-exchanges with absolutely no success and no future. During this period he failed to earn reputation after steeling BTC from clients accounts (read here).

Monkey Mimicry

Claims of Vytautas victims were published long before Bankera project was launched (read on The scheme was simple and similar to examples of some bad Forex brokers : Vytautas attracted users to transfer money to system Spectrocoin aka btc-exchange, and after that hacked them and stole all money. For this scam activity his profile on is marked by several red signs (notice here). It seems that Spectrocoin was created with thought in mind to repeat such big hacking like MtGox, but it was unsuccessful to raise required number of clients and deposits.

Point 2: How to reach bananas with no appropriate skills

Despite all this mishaps with carrier and well-known scammers activity, such monkeys like Spectrocoin team in 2017 cannot stay apart of ICO funding boom, so they started Bankera project.

By the essence ICO means fundraising for something new and innovative, financial or technical, especially related to cryptosphere.

Guess from first time: How many innovations Bankeara Whitepaper contains??? 10? 1?

O, no: ZERO!

You don’t believe? Please read it again.

Inside of WP are only claims “we will build new digital bank”, “we promise you to build new digital bank”, “we ask you for money to build new digital bank” etc — but building digital bank was innovative 10 years ago, when first digital bank appeared (Atom, Fineco etc), but not in 2017!!!

They even don’t claim Bankera be crypto bank like Change, as many thick from sliding by Bankera website just because in recent time a range of real crypto-enabled banks raised. No, in Whitepaper it is clearly stated that Spectrocoin will remains as crypto-wallet and crypto-exchange, and Bankera will be separated legal entity with no relations to crypto-currencies at all!

Why Bankera team is shy to say word “crypto” in connection to banking license? Maybe he does not understand that in future all banks will start operations with crypto-currencies as well and with digital assets? Its unbelievable. The most appropriate answer is just they are is too shy and too coward to say it loud!

CEO who is too coward to say word “crypto” in connection to banking operations

So in Bankera Whitepaper you could find only multiple claims of these monkeys: “We want bananas!”, “Give us bananas”, in so many places and variation that to the end of text you become really boring. On;y one aftermath is coming to mind: Bankera team never was and is no way innovators nowadays; they simply try to get money out of crypto-investors community by means of ICO, putting on it all their scammer’s expertise.

Point 3: MVP Counterfeited

What is MVP in in fintech? It is innovative product which just has been created 2–3 months ago and now operates in testing mode. MVP is presented to investors like proof of innovation’s live-on ability.

CEO of Bankera Vytautas openly CHEATS investors about MVP then presenting Spectrocoin as MVP of banking project. Spectrocoin is 3 years old but more important — unsuccessful btc-exchange cannot be considered as MVP of banking system — its nonsense! It seems like Vytautas dousnt understand the meaning of MVP, but actually he does — only his greed for money leads him to declare such stupid statements.

MVP Counterfeited

Trying to present old shit-like btc-exchange as MVP from Bankera CEO is just like saying to investors: “Do you want MVP? So kiss my ass and use Spectrocoin!”. In low-ranked monkey society it is so widespread!

Vytautas shows to an investor his MVP

Point 4: Blockchain like Mantra for bananas

Sometimes small group of monkey gathers in hoards and starts to gibbering aloud. This picture really seems like they are preying some mantras for very desired things like bananas.

The same situation you can find in Bankera website and Whitepaper — there a lot of words “blockchain” placed near worlds “bank” without any meaningful explanation who this technology will be linked to banking business. In Whitepaper they just gibbering and gibbering “blockchain”, “blockchain” putting this world near work “bank” — it is all for that Bankera team is capable!

We could stop here as there is nothing to discuss about content of Bankera Whitepaper. But one detail will push me forward — presence of Lon Wong, President of Foundation in Advisory team. It is point of concern!

Point of concern!

In realty there are tree contemporary ideas of how to implement blockchain in retail banking industry (without going deep inside topic of “blockchain for corporate and investment business”):

1) to claim that bank will write all transaction to blockchain in order to provide for local ecosystem some kind of transparency (see Polybius Bank whitepaper),

2) to claim that bank will deals with customers by means of blockchian (see Smart Valor whitepaper),

3) not to use it at all, and to position bank only as crypto-payment institution (see Change Bank whitepaper).

In reality writing anything to any blockchain, even its own, is the additional expenditures of business as it costs gas/fees. Just knowing this ahead, for what kind of activity Bankera team needs Lon Wong in its Advisory team?

Of course is only one meaningful answer here: Bankera team has hidden agreement with NEM to use its blockchain for writing of transactions in exchange to some funding like pre-ICO funding. But that means that pre-ICO funding will be in future imposed by additional cost on end-users of this banking software, if they will be lucky enough to launch any kind of bank. Scam after scam!

Point 5: Monkey of the Opera is here

Looking into ICO promotional video of Polybius bank, Monaco Card, Change bank and others, you could see a lot of materials with presentations of team itself. You could meet CEO and other team members at different conferences related to crypto-currencies and blockchains. But it is not the case with Bankera!!!

There is no promo- video materials with Vytautas! You cannot meet him at conferences! Bankera team prefers “distant promotion” via Google Ad, or via so called “local representatives”, like this cute girl Tse-Hsin from Japan.

But if there is some not common behavior, so — there is definitely something hidden behind! Lets try to investigate together.

In searching for government-referred and reliable personal information about Vytautas Karalevičius, you could find very interesting documents of European Court of Human Rights (read here), there Vytautas Karalevičius date of born is stated to be 1952. Some people on Bitcointalks made conclusions that he specially increased his age in order to be older and thus more influential.

But what if it is true? and this monkey was actually born in 1952? and tries to cheat investors with outdated photo? That means that teem meeting looks like picture below!

Old monkey teach young how to do scam!

So, there is no reliable personal information about CEO of Bankera Vytautas Karalevičius! Maybe some smart guys from Latvia will be able to get government-proved info about this person!

But personally I believe that real Vytautas is pictured at Spectrocoin website. If its true, find out difference in details: photo of 1972 with young Vytautas plus student-like biography placed at in order to cheat investors, and real photo of aged alcoholic-addicted man at Spectrocoin site.

Big Difference

Final Remarks

Summarizing it all, final list of augments to say NO to Bankera ICO is following:

1) proved scam with Spectrocoin wallets during 2015–2016 years,

2) CEO Vytautas Karalevičius biography is biography of looser with no achievements,

3) no one real innovation is claimed in project whitepaper,

4) MVP is counterfeited, investors are cheated,

5) CEO and team do not understand how to use blockchain in banking business, they simply use everywhere this world multiple times to attract investors,

6) probable: receiving pre-ICO money from Japaneese NEM blockchain in exchange for promise to impose in future cost of obligatory writing to NEM blockchain on end-users,

7) probable: CEO Vytautas Karalevičius age is counterfeited, investors are cheated.

So there is a lot of reasons to claim Bankera ICO is SCAM project.

We all somewhere greedy, trying to invent something new, trying to do the best in order to earn money. But only some individuals like Vytautas Karalevičius create and distribute cheats and scams instead of real innovations. Despite this unpleasant fact, there is chance that Bankera ICO will be first one stopped not by SEC (like in case of REcoin) but by crypto-community itself! It will be possible if majority of ICO investors will be aware of Vytautas past scamming activity and the list of NOs published here.

Vytautas and his Bankera ICO project deserve only one type of response from crypto-community and from rational investors: STOP SCAM and get-off!

