Slothee: Revolutionising Business Networking through Blockchain

3 min readMar 27, 2019


If there is only one lifeline to any business, it is nothing but “Selling”. The most important person in any business are those who sell. They are the ones who drive the business forward. The one crucial thing that keeps the sales tribe moving is their “connections”.

In the age of noisy social networking, is making business connections hard? The answer is Yes and No. Yes, one can make any number of connections through various social media platforms, attending events, etc., But how deep and long lasting are they? How many connections in your network is mutually beneficial and help grow the business?

Slothee is a revolutionary social networking platform that lets entrepreneurs and business executives to build meaningful connections to helps them grow their business. Harnessing the power of blockchain technology, Slothee addresses the major concern of data security and privacy any social media user is worried about.


As humans, we are best designed to use the resources at our closest proximity. But how many times do we look around to get new business connections? Most events, seminars, workshops and business gatherings goes under-utilised as we make lasting connections with hardly a couple of them. Slothee’s Café feature helps you to lead the way in connecting with numerous people at a gathering. The app displays the location and information of the Slothee users in a 300 meter proximity enabling you to do business instantaneously and turning every gathering into a goldmine in the hands of a capable user.


Despite having a world of connections in the social media profile, how deeply are we connected to each of them? Slothee’s Billboard is designed to give the users a free hand to respectfully advertise about themselves and the events happening at their business without a need for seeking any form of validation from their network. With monologue driven user posts, user can only see the view counts to understand how many people has the post reached. This makes Slothee the best medium to showcase the updates and happenings at their business.

Private Lobby:

The big concern for anyone to use social media platforms is the privacy breach, data theft and user tracking. Slothee assures the users to be confident that data in the private chats truly stays private. Using decentralised blockchain technology, the information will be deployed on the network where no single entity has domination over the data. With a grandiose view of constructing a complete decentralized system for messaging, Slothee’s platform is utilising Ethereum’s whisper protocol. Slothee’s strong commitment to data privacy, ensures no user tracking and is deploying the highest level of technology to stand true to the commitment.

Taking forward the objective of helping sales to the next level, Slothee intends to introduce the feature Crypto Pay to help users sell and buy with major cryptocurrencies through the app.

With truly profound features and use of blockchain technology to ensure data privacy, Slothee has created a new beginning in the world of noisy social media networking. Driven with a sense of purpose to help the sales tribe, Slothee is the committed to make networking safer, deeper, meaningful and long lasting.

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Slothee is a revolutionary business networking platform with the use of blockchain technology to ensure data privacy and security