What is the Hygge Manifesto?

SlowBox | Simple Living
3 min readNov 8, 2017


Unless you have been living in a cave you must have heard of the Danish concept of Hygge. It is all about enjoying the everyday, community, comfort & feeling good. It is the Danish way of life, a verb, a noun & a very good way to appreciate life.

My partner has been a practitioner of Hygge for many years. She discovered it when studying why Denmark is always rated as the happiest country. We met a couple of years ago & she persuaded me to give it a try as the nights got darker & the weather started to make me look at cheap flights to exotic countries. I have never been into winter. I know some people love getting cosy & wearing fleece it was just never my thing. I like sunshine, being warm & being barefoot. I have to say though that Hygge has really helped me to enjoy winter in particular but also more generally, life. It is ultimately about being happy & I find that practicing Hygge has made me happier.

The Hygge Manifesto was written by Meik Wiking (The Little Book of Hygge) & is a ten point Hygge action plan to achieving everyday happiness.

The Hygge Manifesto by Meik Wiking

As you can see above the manifesto calls for us to really be present in the moment & fully engage with life. By achieving physical comfort, connecting with others (not on a screen), being grateful & creating a beautiful atmosphere we can achieve Hyggelig feelings. These are feelings of security & contentedness which arise from your sensory experiences.

This is why Hygge pays attention to atmosphere, creating a soothing space in which to relax is important. It also requires that we take time to find & enjoy pleasurable things — don’t rush your cup of tea, take your time & savour the taste & the heat of the cup in your hand. You don’t need to spend money to do Hygge & it is not just about Scandi interiors. It is about your attitude to life & how much attention you pay to enjoying everything.

I guess this all sounds very cosy & if you are working 60 hours a week & have a busy household or a lot of stress this might all sound a little fanciful. I beg to differ though. Sure it is easier to take pleasure in life when you have plenty of time but even in my most stressed times I know I could have found more time to enjoy something small & that would have made a difference.

We all need to take care of ourselves. Sometimes that can be a few small things which really add up to feeling better & being more able to deal with life’s pressures. Next time you are tired & reach to switch the tv on why not try just listening to some music or getting your loved ones together for a game of cards. I know when we are zapped of energy these things can seem impossible but they are worth it. Think about how much time you spend staring at a screen & see of you can find half an hour to do something different this week.

Hygge is about everyday happiness. Using some of the points on this manifesto is a good practical way to start appreciating what is around & feeling happier as a result.

We have lots of Hygge inspiration on our social media & we love to hear other people’s ideas. Join us on Twitter or Facebook & share your experiences with us.



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