15 Slow Living Synonyms to Help You Slow Down

2 min readAug 14, 2018


Sloww Slow Living Synonyms

I just wrapped up the book Voluntary Simplicity by Duane Elgin.

It was encouraging to see that Elgin intentionally describes “voluntary simplicity” in many different ways:

Because a concern for ecological sustainability is so widely shared, there are many ways of describing more sustainable and meaningful ways of living. There is no special virtue to the phrase ‘voluntary simplicity.’ Because this is a leaderless revolution in living, people are inventing as they go — including inventing words and phrases to characterize their approach to living. Here are ten phrases in common use that offer an alternative to ‘voluntary simplicity’:

  • Green lifeways
  • Earth-friendly living
  • Soulful living
  • Simple living
  • Sustainable lifestyles
  • Living lightly
  • Compassionate lifeways
  • Conscious simplicity
  • Earth-conscious living
  • Simple prosperity

His key point is that we shouldn’t get hung up on the name. If “conscious simplicity” is more impactful for you than “voluntary simplicity,” then by all means use that and achieve the same result.

I believe the same holds true for slow living.

15 Slow Living Synonyms to Help You Slow Down

In my introduction to slow living, I dissected “slow living” to better understand exactly what it is and what it isn’t.

Like voluntary simplicity, you could say slow living is a global leaderless revolution (although, Carl Honoré often makes a case for unofficial leader of the slow living movement today).

This means we are free to use the terminology that works best for each of us individually.

Here are 15 slow living synonyms that I came up with that can be used to describe the same thing:

  1. Paced living
  2. Unbusy living
  3. Balanced living
  4. Intentional living
  5. Connected living
  6. Deep living
  7. Purposeful living
  8. Holistic living
  9. Soulful living
  10. Long-term living (or long-view living)
  11. Low-stress living
  12. Eased living (not easy!)
  13. Time-rich living
  14. Conscious living
  15. Mindful living
Sloww Slow Living Synonyms List

Which is your favorite? Do you have other words you use to describe slow living, or want to invent some new ones? Please share in the comments!

Originally published at Sloww.




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