Slumberzone New Zealand
2 min readJan 14, 2016


What is a Cutting Edge Technology Mattress?

Various Beds manufacturer NZ as well as the importers work hard to come up with ideas of cutting edge technology designs for the Luxury beds at affordable price ranges.

Some of the features that make a specific mattress cutting edge are as follows:

1. Memory foam and gel memory foam mattress: The cutting edge technology used while making the mattress where the gel particles inside the mattress boost the air flow and let the mattress breathe as well as defy moisture build up. It has the ability to target the exact pressure points and the contour depending on to your unique body shape.

2. No partner disturbance: Generally a ripple effect occurs on a slight movement of the partner that is very much similar to the ripples in a pond. A good technology mattress with the foam-encased pocket spring absorbs the ripples in order to ensure you have a sound sleep without disturbing or getting disturbed.

3. Natural latex: The latex mattress generally includes natural latex on the pillow top (it is the side where you sleep on). This high end material is called as hypoallergenic, which neutralizes the heat and breathes smoothly ensuring that you get a good sleep at night.

At Slumberzone you can buy a wide and exciting range of luxurious beds which are made up at the Auckland based factories. The beds for sale made here are embedded with super quality features that everyone expects from good beds and mattress NZ which are also the best price beds.

The manufacturing company strives to get the best products by finding out more and more new ideas as well as ways to do carry out business and how to keep the overall money expenditure down. At every step the team believes being your Rock of Gibraltar in selecting the best.

The team of the Slumberzone feels proud to offer the customers with the best quality mattress for all the beds. This is the reason why, they very confidently offer a warranty of up to 10 years. In whole basically the company offers six exciting ranges of New Zealand made beds for you to choose from which include the following: traditional, comfort, boutique, luxury, e-comfort and commercial. So what are you waiting for? Go and buy for yourself today!

For more information about Slumberzone, about its various bed products and for shopping the product please visit the website today.

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