Secular Alcohol Rehab Programs

Slyder Ryley
2 min readDec 6, 2017


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For anyone who has little experience with alcohol rehab programs, there is a common misperception that all alcohol treatment is religiously oriented. And the rumor is that even when a program is not overtly religious, many of the treatment professionals, support group leaders, and rehab veterans still point new recovering addicts toward various forms of worship. There is some truth to this, but it is nothing to worry about.

Of course, for some people, alcohol rehab programs should have a religious element. For example, if you are a person of faith who has lapsed in your practice, or if you just need a higher power for strength, faith may be just what you need to get you through the difficult moments of recovery. There is nothing wrong with this. Everyone has different needs.

But for other people, the religious aspect may actually be prohibitive. If all you want is sobriety and not a religious conversion, then the idea that people in rehab are going to be proselytizing to you may be extremely unappealing. In this case, you might want to take matters into your own hands. Some alcohol rehab programs are more religion-oriented than others, so make sure you do your homework beforehand. Call programs to find out their stance on the matter, and ask people who have attended the programs in the past.

In the end, you might just have to put up with a certain amount of religious talk in your addition recovery program. If you choose a good program, though, it will not be overwhelming. When you get to the part about finding a “higher power,” you can interpret that term however you wish. And you do not have to go to the types of support groups recommended by many alcohol rehab programs. Instead, find one that explicitly describes itself as secular and emphasizes a more humanistic approach to rehab.

Visit this site to learn more about alcohol rehab:



Slyder Ryley

I’ve been known as Slyder all my life and enjoy blogging about stuff the piques my interest from time to time. If you like what you see, let me know!