1 min readAug 13, 2023

Falling apart

Failed relationship, loss of interest

Trust gone, and it’s time to fall apart and take departure as train has arrived you take on next journey, is falling apart so easier

Relationship is like root of tree ,if you keep nourishing and nurturing it may not fall apart

But like tree fall from strong storm no matter how root is strong, the people too depart from life and separation takes place

Death is certain in this uncertain world and people when die they depart permanently from this world and depart from life of everyone, to whom once he/she loved , it’s hard to loose someone you loved and lived life with,shared everything moment of bliss and hardship

One day life takes from us very precious people whom we loved most no matter how strong you are you feel like loosing everything, but death is only certain and bound to happen the soul may depart but memories created has lasting impact, we rejoice the moment of presence that we felt when we were together, nostalgia hits our mind and we get lost in thought even unaware of reality of non-existence

Yes you fall apart when your soul depart , that is universal and real nothing can be changed but in presence life can be lived together and joy of living with your love ones can be felt at every moment


Freelancer (expert in account and finance), Writing about finance , account, life . A chartered accountant aspirant(final)