Never Seen Before ICO

Sergey Maltsev
2 min readNov 21, 2017


Overseas and faraway there is an island, whose name I couldn’t say,
It has no state, it has no lang, all people there are dressed in rags:
One has one shoe, one has Pant Leg, his friend, alas, has only a potato sack

And their homes are all misshapen — their walls are crooked, their domes’rshaken
You wouldn’t find a hearth inside, cause hearths there are hard to find… The people pick each other’s brain with fists and kicks and bites and chains.

That place, I heard, scoffs at schools — for no one there adhere to rules, And they all dwell like caged beasts; they treat with scorn all modern things -
They loath that light that knowledge brings and shun away Metrology.

Simply put, Metrology is the cornerstone of all Sciences. Without it nothing will budge. Construction workers cannot construct houses, supermarkets will not open their doors, schools cannot share knowledge, and the whole world will sink into darkness and chaos.

A‘right, but let’s get back to reality and look at metrology companies. Our study found that they are very few and far between; among them stands out our fresh and promising Global Metrology Progect. Despite the fact that the company was on the market only since 2014, we have a lot of achievements: First GMP center has opened its doors,
More than 10,000 rendered services,
Continued effort to expand its accreditation.

The primary factor is that our company is on the cutting edge of progress.We have already issued our cryptocurrency and started 1 Round of ITO to fund our expansion to new markets.

As a very talented author said about us:

“The progress is just around the corner.



Sergey Maltsev

Businessman, investor, and philanthropist. “We are witnesses and participants of not just a new historical era, but also of a new step in human evolution.”