Samy Mahfar
3 min readMay 26, 2017

Manhattan’s Lower East Side

Manhattan’s Lower East Side is a rich, culturally diverse neighborhood with a fascinating history. This incredible neighborhood has long drawn people from around the globe: a large Latino mix is combined with a growing presence of Chinese and other Asian immigrants, German immigrants, and a rich Jewish heritage within the community to create a diversity that is hard to beat. Since the nineteenth century, the Lower East Side has offered a gateway for immigrants looking to settle into the country. Today, it remains a cultural melting pot that offers incredible opportunity for natives, visitors, and immigrants. No matter where they come from, many visitors come to the Lower East Side for the experience of wandering through historic streets, connecting with their heritage and tracing family memories.

The Lower East Side’s reputation as a gateway for immigrants began in the mid-1800’s, when it rose as a garment manufacturing hub. It had a close proximity to a variety of job opportunities for people with a wide range of skills — and continues to offer that convenience today. The Orchard Block alone offered as many as 23 small factories in those early days, providing rich opportunity for anyone living in the area. Living conditions in those early days might have been difficult, but the strong connection to their ethnic origins gave it a strong draw to immigrants looking to settle in the city.

The architecture of the Lower East Side has changed drastically through the years, but it’s always maintained a number of options for single individuals, couples, and families. In the 18th century, the Lower East Side was made up primarily of two-story wood frame homes. Moving into the 19th century, a housing shortage led to the introduction of larger brick tenement buildings. These narrow buildings might have been cramped and short on space, but they were the perfect option for newly-arrived immigrants who needed a little space of their own. In fact, by the early 20th century, more than two million people lived in these tenement houses. The neighborhood also gave rise to a number of businesses, including many restaurants that have changed throughout the years based on the immigrant population that was most common at the time. Several Jewish synagogues still stand throughout the Lower East Side as a result of the large Jewish population during the 19th and 20th centuries.

In 1938, the government decided to take charge of the cheap available housing in the Lower East Side and make substantial changes. The area along the waterfront was rezoned and public housing was raised. Over the years, the Lower East Side became home to a number of public housing complexes, including Rutgers Houses, LaGuardia Houses, Riis and Wald developments, and Baruch Houses. These large-scale apartment complexes offer playgrounds, safe and affordable apartments for the city’s poorest, and quality school systems. Between the inexpensive available apartments and the ready availability of inexpensive food during these years, the Lower East Side became home to a number of Beat poets and writers as well as other artists who were looking for reasonable prices while they practiced their art.

Many arguments have been held over the years about the precise boundaries of the Lower East Side. While many argue that the Lower East Side includes most of the East Village as part of the neighborhood and the northern boundary as going up to 14th Street, the official beginning of the Lower East Side is located at East Houston Street. Because of the way the city is laid out, it can be difficult to navigate: the subway isn’t as readily accessible as it is in other areas, and car traffic can find it difficult to wind through the streets. Residents of the Lower East Side, however, believe that its advantages are well worth the difficulty. Whether they were drawn for the culture, the food, or for family history, Lower East Side residents often find themselves immersed in its history and the opportunities it contains.