Empathy Makes You a Great Leader

Shawn Maguire
4 min readJan 1, 2023

Gary Vee said, “The world would be better if everyone had more humility.” This was something that stuck with me.

I got the chance to work with him and had a behind-the-scenes view of what he’s actually like. 🤯

Gary Vee is an internet OG uploading videos on Youtube all the way back to 2006, and is now CEO of VaynerMedia.

I was by the door when Gary walked in and said, “Hey guys.” Gary was very social and talked to everyone. 🤠 He rolled in with the event security guards and two of his content creators.

Backstage he was very friendly saying hi to everyone.

During the Q&A Neel asked why Gary responded to Neel’s email to spend 15 minutes talking via Zoom on a Saturday night. Gary said he wants his legacy to be predicated on his kindness. He can relate to each and every one of us. He’s been where we’ve been and faced similar situations. He’s amazed that he’s at the point in his career where he can make someone’s day by calling them.

Some further observations on Gary at the VIP meet and greet.

Gary was 100% present with everyone he talked to. He zoned out distractions and focused on the other person in that space for that moment.

He used physical touch to connect with people. He didn’t just shake your hand — he held your arm or gave hugs 🫂

Gary found common ground. If the other person shared the same love for Nikes, he connected with them and made it memorable. Also if they had a book, he signed it.

Gary had the awareness to offer to sign books and go above and beyond to connect and make the other person feel important.

Notes from Gary’s talk

  • The problem with Instagram is that you can’t go viral.
  • Many people are unwilling to do the work they are talking about.
  • Double down on content.
  • Maximize legacy — not time financially.
  • People who’ve stopped doing content because they didn’t see an ROI because they didn’t have a system to set them up for success. In other words, consistent content + systems = ROI.
  • You should feel bad for the haters, not feel bad for yourself. Imagine living a life writing negative comments on other people’s pages on social media 🤷
  • Value underpriced attention. Try to be early on the platforms before everyone else is on them.
  • People are sleeping on Facebook fan pages
  • YouTube shorts is TikTok except it’s YouTube — both had the advantages of exposure.
  • Local business interviewing local business owners can rank in search.
  • Supply and Demand of attention. Social networks are the businesses of the next decade. Brands and businesses are being built on social media.
  • Figure out your pillar content 💡
  • Live humbly. People get scared when they can’t sustain bills, so a solution is to keep bills low.
  • Repetition helps with confidence in everything. Rejection is also part of the process too.
  • If people shit on you, then shit on them back.
  • No one on earth is undefeated — we all take L’s along the way.

Videos from Forward Event

BTS photos from https://www.eighty8studios.com/



Shawn Maguire

Las Vegas based digital creator working with purpose driven entrepreneurs how to scale through video and digital content.