Cryptocurrency to Watch 2018 — Top 5 (More than 1,000% potential return)

Small Cap Crypto Investor
6 min readJan 10, 2018


I have been searching for the next Cryptocurrency with huge potential, Cryptocurrency to watch and buy when the moment is right. The coin or token should be able to have intrinsic value that we can hold and keep for the long run. If you like my article or my list, follow me to get more recommendations in the future!

Here are my rules:

  1. The Cryptocurrency or Token has to serve a big market or solve a real problem. There is a strategy of using benchmark of existing solution. For example, if we look at EOS as a platform, it also allows people to build on top of it like ETH. It means the market is clearly big and it solves the problem of ETH transaction speed that is getting slower. If there is no existing solution, we need to analyze the market separately.
  2. The market cap of the coin has to be low enough, so that the room to grow is still huge. My rule of thumb is to find Cryptocurrency or Token that is still below $200 million in market cap. If you purchase coins / tokens with already huge market cap (Above $1 Billion), it is harder to get 10x to 100x return.
  3. The total supply has to be low enough. My rule of thumb is to find Cryptocurrency to watch with total supply of below 100 million coins (hard cap). Even better, with circulating supply of below 50 million coins. I’m not entirely against Cryptocurrency with huge supply of coins. However, as an investor, I think it is easier to make huge gains with low supply coins. We can look at Bitcoin’s amazing growth with its low supply strategy. That’s the reason I try to avoid pre-mine, controlled, centralized options (If you know what those are, put it in comment :p ). Cryptocurrency price is always determined by supply vs demand. When the supply of the coin is low, the sudden surge in demand due to new announcements like development progress and partnership will increase the price of the coins quickly. If the supply of the coin is too huge, even with a huge demand there will still be a lot of traders who dump / sell the coins.

Now, let’s talk about my list of Cryptocurrency to Watch 2018 that can give you 10x potential return in 2018 (1,000%):

  1. Hawala Today (HAT)

Hawala Today stands on top of my Cryptocurrency to Watch 2018 list because it passes all my 3 rules easily. I’m so excited about this one!

It serves a big market and solve real problems. If you study Hawala Today (HAT) Whitepaper, you will learn that it is developing: P2P Crypto-Fiat Exchange, Incentive For Stake (IFS), Asset Management Service, Cash Card.

  • Firstly, P2P Crypto-Fiat Exchange is a very interesting solution to a real problem. If you are in developing countries, I believe you know that the prices of Cryptocurrency that you buy with Fiat currency cost you around 10% - 20% more expensive. This is a really painful problem to be solved, with P2P system, the transaction can be more decentralized and cheaper.
  • Second, Incentive For Stake (IFS) is an amazing feature that can give you 15% return annually if you stake your HAT tokens in their staking wallet. Amazing right?
  • Third, Asset Management Service is an interesting solution that allows people to get paid by investing other people’s money. In the future, you can also make money by starting your own Crypto hedge fund.
  • Fourth, Cash Card is a voucher system for people in developing countries that want to start buying Cryptocurrency but may not have an existing bank account. Unbanked population will be able to have a chance to participate in the largest financial revolution in our era by purchasing cash cards and put their money on Hawala Today platform to buy Cryptocurrency. This allows Hawala Today to reach the untapped market that no other has reached before.

Total Supply: 7,000,000 HAT

Circulating Supply: 337,000 HAT (The circulating supply is so small because people are staking their tokens in HAT Staking Wallet.)

Market Cap: $7,855,978 USD

Screenshot taken on 10th of January 2018
10th of December 2017 to 10th of January 2018 (It has grown by more than 2,000%, and the potential is still huge.)

2. (NULS)

NULS is my second pick in my Cryptocurrency to Watch 2018 list. This awesome Cryptocurrency also passes all my 3 rules. NULS is developing a customizable universal public blockchain infrastructure, it aims to allow enterprises to build their own blockchain sustainably.

It is interesting to see who will win the Enterprise market battle. It is clearly a big market and solving real problems. However, I am putting my investment in NULS. See the comparison below, you can see that NULS is mostly superior and its market cap is still very low compared to others:

Comparison in January 2018

Total Supply: 40,000,000 NULS

Circulating Supply: 23,564,882 NULS

Market Cap: $184,817,722 USD

Screenshot taken on 10th of January 2018
10th of December 2017 to 10th of January 2018 (It has grown by more than 700%, and the potential is still huge.)

3. WaBi (WABI)

WABI is the next pick in my Cryptocurrency to Watch 2018 list. Take note that this article is written on 10th of January 2018 and WABI’s market cap has just reached $250 million, but I still include this in my list because it is a very interesting Cryptocurrency.

WABI is a digital token backed by safe products. It is solving a really pressing problem of counterfeit products in China and around the world. Many children has been poisoned in various cases of counterfeit products, and WABI aims to use blockchain to solve it. WABI is used to purchase products at Walimai. See below to see how it works, especially dynamic code system:

From WABI Whitepaper

Total Supply: 99,218,023 WABI

Circulating Supply: 45,248,033 WABI

Market Cap: $249,506,703 USD

Screenshot taken on 10th of January 2018
12th of December 2017 to 10th of January 2018 (It has grown by more than 380%, and the potential is still huge.)

4. (MOD)

Modum is the next pick for my Cryptocurrency to Watch 2018 list. Modum is using blockchain for supply chain management. The MOD token itself is like shares, which can give you annual dividend. If you are a risk-averse type, Modum can be a good choice because it is a real company producing revenue. Modum also passes all my 3 rules.

Total Supply: 27,266,200 MOD

Circulating Supply: 18,266,200 MOD

Market Cap: $191,426,123 USD

Screenshot taken on 10th of January 2018
10th of December 2017 to 10th of January 2018 (It has grown by more than 600%, and the potential is still huge.)

5. Triggers (TRIG)

Triggers is the next pick for my Cryptocurrency to Watch 2018 list. Triggers focuses in using blockchain for smartgun safety with decentralized security ledger. I think this is a very interesting application that can be used for a very long time. In its Whitepaper, they also plan to use it for logistics, manufacturing, retail, and end-user firearms. Triggers passes all my 3 rules.

Total Supply: 32,105,578 TRIG

Circulating Supply: 32,105,578 TRIG

Market Cap: $161,306,127 USD

Screenshot taken on 10th of January 2018
10th of December 2017 to 10th of January 2018 (It has grown by more than 700%, and the potential is still huge.)

That’s my Cryptocurrency to Watch 2018 list. Disclosure: I have invested in all of them. If you are still not sure about them, you can put them in your watch list and wait for the right time to buy. If you are sure, I recommend you not to wait for too long. A week can be a very long time in “Crypto-time”. Happy investing!

PS: If you have other recommendations, please put it in the comment below. Appreciate it! :)

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Small Cap Crypto Investor

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